
Sunday, February 7, 2016

Be Our Guest!

First of all, who is super excited for the new Beauty and the Beast movie with Emma Watson? With the title of this post, that just had to be said. Anyway, over the last few months I've gotten to see some people that I love a lot, but don't get to see as often as I'd like. I loved having these friends come visit my home...

Allison + Silas
My dear friend Allison now lives in North Carolina and has a little guy just a month older than Aiden. Despite the distance we have remained close and always connect when she is in town. It has been so fun to see the progression of our bumps to babies to now little boys! And since I love a good then and now picture I had to include one. The top picture was in June 2015 and the bottom picture was in late December! Where did our baby boys go?!
My college friend Betsy lives in Indy and is so good about visiting me regularly. Whenever we are together we always cook at least one (this time TWO) Pioneer Woman recipes. We went out to dinner just the two of us the first night she was here and she became our first basement guest since our basement renovations started! We also managed to get in a trip to Jungle Jim's aka the coolest grocery store ever and ate at a local dine and drive restaurant called Hydes. I also finally got to watch the movie Inside Out. Let's just say I cried and laughed a lot. Betsy is so easy to have around and she loves both Drew and Aiden too so she fits right in.
PW's Chow Mein and Beef with Snow Peas from her new cookbook. Yum and yum!
The Edgrens
Another dear college friend, Katie and her husband and kiddos also stopped by for a visit. She got to meet Aiden for the first time and I hadn't seen her youngest, Jane since she was a few months old! It was good to catch up and get a glimpse of her cute girls.
The older I get, the more I truly value the time people give to me and my family. I know these girls are busy and we don't see each other as much as we would like, but I just love the time I got to spend with them!

Who wants to be my next visitor? 


  1. Too cute!! What a sweet little family you have!

  2. First off- YES to Beauty & the Beast :) And secondly- how great to have so many special friends near and far! I definitely cherish my friendships, no matter how long I go between visits- it's always great to catch up!

  3. Aww, I love this! So glad you have had a chance to spend time with such special friends!

    And yes, I'll come be your guest! Especially if it means we get to cook Pioneer Woman recipes together! ;)
