
Monday, April 11, 2016

Views from the weekend

My weekend was a good one. My book club got together on Friday night. We drank wine, ate appetizers and talked about our latest read, The Nightingale. It's a book about two sisters in France during WWII. They both handle the presence of the Germans in their home very differently. I highly recommend it, especially if you are a fan of Historical Fiction. If you read and loved The Girl You Left Behind, you will love it! Our next book: The Boston Girl. Have any of you read it?

In our house, weekends equal big family breakfasts and staying in our jammies until 11 because we can. Saturday we woke up to April. We took Aiden to a Discovery Center inside a new shopping center, which meant play time for him and shopping for me. If you take in a bag of old/worn clothes to H&M over the next few weeks, you can get 30% off your purchase!

Sunday we booked our flights to South Carolina and spent some time looking up restaurants and places to site see. I can't wait to be on the beach again in less than two months!

What were some of your favorite views this weekend?


  1. LOVE that second picture especially :) He is looking so grown up these days!! We had a big breakfast at home Saturday which we NEVER do, but I'm thinking it definitely needs to become a more regular thing. YAY for your beach vacation- it'll be here before ya' know it!

  2. Man he is cute!! I love those jammies! Thanks for the tip about H&M! That's awesome!

  3. His face in that second picture? PRECIOUS. I'm glad you had a great weekend - you deserve it! Can you pack me in your suitcase for your trip to South Carolina? :)

  4. I love his monster outfit! So cute!!! Every time Caleb and I get a free saturday (or don't have to work until later in the day) we prepare a huge breakfast feast. It's the best! :) so glad you had a great weekend, girl.
