
Tuesday, June 21, 2016

31: My Birthday Wish

Today I am 31. Whoa.

Normally I make a big deal of my birthday. I make my birthday wish list weeks in advance and I like to plan all kinds of birthday fun. But this year is different and I'm not sure why. I still have some fun things planned, but I didn't make a wish list and when my husband asked what I wanted to do and who I wanted to invite. I said I wanted simple. Maybe I'm actually becoming a "grown up." Or maybe I am just learning new things about myself and my heart.

I've learned so much about myself in my 31 years, but lately God has been working on my heart and showing me that I have a long way to go before becoming the wife and mother I desire to be. But I'm thankful that as I learn and grow, those two precious faces up there in that picture will be with me.

I'm beyond grateful to be a wife to a supportive husband, a mom to the sweetest and smartest little dude, a granddaughter, daughter, niece and sister and a friend to some amazing, amazing people.

So my birthday wish this year is to live every day like the gift that it truly is and to have a desire to continue wanting to learn and grow so I can be the woman of God, wife and mother I'm created to be. So here's to year 31...

31 be kind to me. I'm not ready for wrinkles and I don't want any more gray hairs. Oh and the stretch marks could fade a little too. Thanks in advance.


  1. I hope that 31 is kind to you and that a year from now you can look back and be amazed at the ways you have grown closer to the person you want to be. Happy, happy birthday! :)

  2. I adore this. Your heart is just the best. Happy birthday!

  3. Happy birthday! Hope you have a wonderful day!
