
Thursday, June 9, 2016

Vacation is good for the soul {Seabrook Island}

We recently got back from our family vacation to Seabrook Island in South Carolina. We had the best time. I wish I could transport myself back in time to watch Aiden running up and down the beach with the biggest grin on his little face. (But that's what pictures and videos are for, right?)
I took hundreds of pictures so I'm going to break our vacation up into a few posts. This one...devoted completely to beach pictures and mostly baby beach pictures because as stated on Aiden's hat, I have the coolest kid ever.
Most of our days were spent packing for the beach, biking to the beach, walking the beach, building sandcastles and destroying them, eating lunch on the beach then playing in the water and searching for wild life, which we actually saw a ton of! (Horseshoe crabs, Blue Crabs, Hermit Crabs, Dolphins, Jellyfish, Sand dollars...)

Aiden was happy as a clam (see what I did there?) He ran up and down the beach and hardly sat still. He was in heaven! And Drew and I got our work outs in everyday trying to keep up! Thankfully we had a few extra sets of hands since my Mother in law and one of my sister in laws vacationed with us!

Kisses that involve licking are his new "thing." Haha.

I am already missing the beach like crazy!

More vacation posts to come...


  1. Aiden looks SO happy, you're right! I love his hat! You guys are the coolest little family, hehe! Don't vacations seem to just help feel like you've hit the "reset" button on life?! Love that!

  2. Fun on the beach, for sure! You look like a natural beach family. So glad that you all had such a good time. Aiden loves it, you can tell!

  3. Ahh! Family trips to the beach are the best! Love all these pictures! So glad you guys had such a wonderful time! :)

  4. It looks like y'all had the best time during your trip to South Carolina! Some of my best memories from growing up are going to the beach with my family, and it definitely seems like y'all made some amazing memories!

  5. Ahhh this is so cute!! Aiden is so adorable:) We have been trying to start a family and would love your prayers:) Think of you often, and hope to catch up on your blog more!! xoxo Katie
