
Monday, October 3, 2016

Pregnancy Files 2: {The Bump Week 22}

*Check out my previous post for a chance to win $75 to PinkBlush
Giveaway ends tonight at Midnight!
Best Moment this week Month: Finding out that we were having another BOY! Drew and I are over the moon that Aiden is getting a brother and that we will be parents to two boys! (See our Gender Reveal Party details here).

Food cravings: Apples, Chipotle, Oreos (Up until now I haven't been craving sweets very much so now I'm in BIG trouble.)

Movement: Yes! The other night I had a sweet Starbucks drink and a fall treat and then went to the movies with a girlfriend. Baby went crazy with the sugar rush and then me being still for a full 2 hours. He was having a party in my belly. And Drew finally, finally felt him kick!

Symptoms: My back hurts a lot more this time around, probably because I'm carting around a toddler and growing a mini human at the same time. That kinda makes me sound like Superwoman, right?! I'm also feeling stretched, I wonder why? ;) And people finally know I'm pregnant just by looking at me now. More people have commented on my bump this week than throughout my entire pregnancy. I guess I have finally popped.

Nursery: Still decluttering, but I do have a nursery theme picked out and tons of ideas pinned...still no real progress though. We need to get on that.

Letter for Baby:
Dear Baby Boy,
Aiden and I got to hear your heartbeat today. It's just the best sound in the world. You are growing right on track and I love feeling you do flips in my belly. I know you can hear our voices now so in the time we have alone together I try to talk to only you.

Aiden now says your name and is getting excited about being a Big Brother. He points "you" aka the baby out in all our baby books that we have been reading and then points himself out as the Big Brother. I hope you two will be the best of friends. That is my prayer tonight.

Your Mama
Shirt from Declan+Crew
Week 16 Bumpdate

See my 22 week post with Aiden here.


  1. You look so adorable!!! So excited for another boy, it's so sweet thinking they will be best friends!!! :)

  2. You look so great, friend!!! :) I love that you are craving Chipotle again with baby #2 hehe- smart boy!! ;)

  3. Ah! Love this! Look how adorable you are! So exciting that Drew got to feel baby and that Aiden is so excited about his baby brother!

  4. Hey! I just found your blog and just wanted to say that I have an 18-month-old and she STILL doesn't have her nursery, so I'd say you were doing pretty well on that front!

    And getting to hear the baby's heartbeat is just the best :)

  5. You look great! So exciting to be having another boy! Can't wait to hear your nursery theme!
