
Monday, November 14, 2016

A is for...{Baby Boy Has A Name}

When choosing a name for our second kiddo, my husband let me know right away that he thought their name should start with an "A" like all of ours do or they would feel "left out." I couldn't argue with that so we quickly started scanning lists of "A" names. Shortly after we chose a girl name and I started pinning girl nursery ideas to my Pinterest Board.

For some reason we could not come up with a boy name that we loved both the sound of and the meaning behind. Honestly I think one reason it was so hard was because we whole heartedly believed we were having a girl. The day of my 20 week ultrasound rolled around and we were almost positive we'd be using our girl name. Well, we were way wrong.  But as soon as the doctor told us we were having a boy and I saw the ultrasound image with his little face, this name jumped out at me.

So our little boy's name is...

Alder Jacob.

Why Alder?

We just love the way it sounds. To us, it sounds strong and we love how it sounds paired with Aiden.
Alder and Aiden. Aiden and Alder. 

We love the meaning and symbolism of the name. Alder is a kind of tree. When I think of a tree, I think strong and deeply rooted. I picture a tiny seed growing into something strong and mighty. Drew and I also love the outdoors, it's where we bond as a family and is where we feel God's presence the most, so it just fits for us.

Alder is derived from a Dutch surname (Aldert) meaning "noble" and "strong." I'm already praying that our Alder has both of these qualities.

Jacob is a family name that we both love as well. So his initials will be AJR, just like his Daddy.

We can't wait to meet Alder in 3 short months and get to know his little personality.


  1. SO cute and I love the meaning of it too :) So funny as I was reading I was like wait, her husband's name doesn't start with an "A" lol... duh! Can't wait to see you!!

  2. I read the title and the name Alder came to me too! I never even came across that name when we were looking at boy names. I agree with you that it's an absolute perfect fit. Beautiful, beautiful name!

  3. Well I love A names of course. And Dutch names! And names that sound good together. How fun to be able to call baby brother by name already :)

  4. Beautiful name! I love the meaning behind it!

  5. I love this name!!! And I love that you shared it too, because I know that's hard to do! haha. :)

  6. I love it so much! It's perfect! Rowan is a tree too! :)

  7. I love how well the boys' names go together! So sweet! And I am all about meaningful baby names so I love your reasoning behind this as well. :)

  8. I absolutely love the way the boys names go together. What precious memories you will make. I had a friend who is naming her sweet baby girl Anderlea. I think my favorite part of pregnancy friends is seeing what names speak to them and then seeing how perfectly it fits their new addition. Hope you are feeling great my friend.

  9. They do pair so well together; Alder and Aiden! I love that you're keeping the "A" tradition alive! ;)

  10. Soooo meant to be! Great choice and I love that it came to you in the moment it did. Your boys are going to be such good friends.
