
Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Our Family Halloween Costume 2016

We had such a sweet Halloween this year. Drew and I teamed up to tackle our costumes, which was fun. (He made Aiden's bulldozer on Halloween Eve out of a diaper box, God bless him.) Aiden understood what Trick or Treat meant (candy!) and even said Trick or Treat to the first neighbor we visited. The weather was absolutely perfect! We went out for about an hour then came home and ate some candy as an appetizer followed by this delicious and very easy Pioneer Woman soup. Then we watched a Thomas the Train Halloween movie and called it a night. And can I just say how much I love seeing everyone's costumes?! It's one of my favorite things to see fill my Facebook and Instagram feeds!

See our family costumes from last year here.
Did you dress up this year?! 


  1. Such an adorable little family! Love the group costume and your hardhat made me laugh hehe ;)

  2. I love this! The bulldozer is quite impressive. Hendrik would have been TOTALLY on board with this family costume scenario too, though he was pretty dead set on being a frog this year (for whatever reason). It was his first year of real trick-or-treating and he was so giddy once he realized how it worked. Normally he would totally drag his feet if we were going to walk around the block without a stroller, but not last night, ha!

  3. You guys are just too cute!!! I love your family costume!!! <3

  4. Aww! You guys are so adorable!
