
Monday, November 28, 2016

Turkey Day Snapshots

This year was a different kind of Thanksgiving for us. We stayed in Ohio. Most years we travel over the river and through the my family in Kentucky, but this year we stayed put. While I missed seeing my extended family, it was nice to stay in our pjs and relax Thanksgiving morning. It was a sweet day.

Our Thanksgiving day was full of...
 Food prep, which in our house always includes a recipe from Pioneer Woman
Macy's Day Parade Watching
 Chocolate Cream Pie Making and taste testing
An adorable tablescape and amazing food
Family bonding time
and football.

What was your Thanksgiving day full of?


  1. Seems like the perfect Thanksgiving! All the things that TG is supposed to include. :)

  2. Looks like it was a GREAT Thanksgiving! <3
