
Sunday, January 29, 2017

My First Baby You'll Always Be

You will always be my first baby. 
The one who made me a Mama.
You will always be the one who taught me how to give more of myself than I thought possible.
The one who pushed me to learn new things.
The one who first heard my heart from the inside and then completely stole it on the outside.
You are the one who renewed my sense of wonder in the every day moments.
Who showed me the miracle of growing a life.
Before you, I had never been happy changing a diaper or sucking boogers out of someone's nose.
Before you, I had never been so enamored with another human's toes.
Before you, I didn't know how it felt to be someone's everything.
You were the first one to call me Mama.
The first one to make me understand God's love for me, his child, in such a profound way.
And while there is another baby coming into my life very soon that will take up part of my heart,
You will always be my first baby.


  1. Such precious pictures of you and your first born! I have no doubt your bond will continue to grow in amazing ways as you get to support and encourage him in his new roll!

  2. This post and these photos are beautiful!!!! Love your lil fam so much!
