
Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Alder's birth story

On January 29th, 2017 at 2:47 PM our sweet Alder entered the world kicking and screaming. It was a perfect day and as I sit here thinking back on it, I am brought to tears. Giving birth is a beautiful thing. It's messy and painful, but it is a privilege, an honor and one of the most spiritual things I have ever experienced. Here is the story of the day my second son was born.

Let's rewind to my 38 week appointment. I was 4 cm dilated and 80% effaced and the doctor brought up induction. Since I was two weeks late with my first, she mentioned considering going ahead and scheduling an induction at my next appointment just to have it in the books. Honestly, at that point I really didn't want to be induced. I wanted the "real" experience this time. I wanted to make that call to my husband in panic mode saying "Hunny, get home now, my water just broke!" Don't ask me why, but I wanted all the crazy that comes with the contractions at home and scrambling around. It seemed exciting and I wanted it to happen naturally this time. Well my 39 week appointment came and I was progressing quickly. 5 cm and 85% effaced. The doctor brought up induction once again and was worried that if I didn't schedule an induction within the next few days, that I could end up giving birth in the car on the way to the hospital because she said when it happened, it would be quick. It was the doctor who delivered Aiden so she said nonchalantly, "I'm at the hospital on Sunday (it was Thursday) why don't you come in then, I'll break your water and we can have this baby." Those words sold me and I called to schedule my induction for Sunday at 10 am.
I still fully expected to go into labor on my own, but it never happened. So Saturday night I got to rock my sweet son and sing to him one last time before he would become a big brother. I got to cry some tears I'd been holding in and pray for his heart. I got to take my time packing the car Sunday morning, shower, eat breakfast and relax on our car ride to the hospital as snowflakes fell around us. It was serene and peaceful and wonderful.
We got admitted at the hospital, I got into my robe and got hooked up to Pitocin. We listened to Alder's heartbeat on the monitor and waited. At 11:40 the doctor came in and broke my water and then the contractions started.
With Aiden I got an epidural shortly after my water broke, but this time I just wanted to feel more and while it was painful, I kind of enjoyed it. Drew read the monitor and told me when I was at the peak of a contraction and helped me breathe through the pain. I had Hillsong on in the background and focused my energy on what was to come. I had no plans to do a natural birth so when I couldn't bare it anymore I asked for the epidural, then bliss. 45 minutes later, and 3 sets of pushes later, he was here. I was a Mama again.
Those first few moments after your baby is born, when the doctors hand them over to you and you look them in the eyes, is the closest thing to heaven on Earth that I've ever experienced. Meeting the life you've been growing inside of you for 9 months, the little human that prodded you in the middle of the night, that you felt hiccuping at all hours, that you sang to and prayed over...the moment you've dreamt of, prayed about and longed for is here. This thing that has been part of you, but is now separate from you is now breathing on his own and staring you in the face. It truly is a miracle.
After he spent the first hour of his little life laying on his Mama's chest, he was whisked away to be weighed and measured. 7 pounds 9 ounces of love. 52.5 cm. The entire time, just like his brother, Alder was looking around and taking in this big old world.

Then it was Daddy's turn to hold Alder and we simply stared in awe at the newest addition to our family. We were officially a family of 4 and we couldn't wait for Aiden to arrive to meet his little brother! Those photos are coming soon and they are absolutely adorable. My heart has never felt so full.


  1. SO thrilled for you and your sweet family, Allison! Thank God for the healthy arrival of baby Alder!!

  2. So very happy for you and your sweet family of 4! I loved reading your story and glad it went well. Praying for much rest for you all! :)

  3. Yay!!! I'm so glad your birth was so wonderful! Congratulations again, girlie! <3

  4. I've read countless birth stories over the years, but this is the first one I've read since being pregnant. And oh the tears! I just love that this was the post I read. No major trauma. Such a beautifully written post. Acknowledging that there was pain, but also talking about the precious moment when you finally got to meet him. Oh friend, I can't describe to you how much I am looking forward to meeting this daughter of mine! But I don't need to tell you because you already know. *hugs* Love this post. Welcome to the world, Alder!

  5. I completely understand what you mean by wanting the chaos that comes with labor. The movies make it seem so exciting, but honestly my water broke when I was blow drying my hair getting ready for work. And I continued to blow dry my hair entirely before letting CV know my water broke. hahaha. And then we called the doctor, took one last bump photo and headed to the hospital. So although ours happened "naturally", it was less than dramatic. The most dramatic part was walking to the car, then to the hospital, holding a towel in between my legs (i wore a dress) bc I wouldn't stop leaking. haha. Your story is perfect and I'm so glad he's finally here!!!

  6. What a lovely set of photos to go with this lovely story. I'm so glad you got to have this experience bringing your second boy into the world - it sounds just right. Congrats!

  7. A beautiful story. And yes, babies are truly a miracle. Thank you for sharing this happy experience.

  8. This is so beautiful. As someone who has never had a child, I feel like a planned birth and nice, calm trip to the hospital sounds nice. Haha! I'm so very happy for you and your gorgeous family!

  9. It truly is the closest I've ever been to heaven. That's a perfect way of describing it. I am so happy for your family!

  10. Beautiful! He is a very handsome guy. I am glad all went well and you are adjusting.

  11. These are such great pictures! Kind of chuckling at your comment about enjoying the contractions but I know what you meant (I think). Glad everyone is happy and healthy!

  12. wow really amazing...
