
Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Easter on the Farm 2017

Easter is one of my favorite holidays for many reasons. I love the reason why we celebrate it, the weather is almost always beautiful, the flowers are blooming, the grass is green, there is always chocolate involved and we get to act like kids on my Aunt and Uncle's farm.
This year was especially memorable because Aiden actually understood the concept of hunting for eggs and loved it. It was also Alder's first Easter with us meaning we had to take lots of family pictures to document. Duh.
We had such a good day with family. I hope your Easter was memorable too!


  1. I always love your farm pictures from Easter :) You guys all look great, and always look like you're genuinely having the best time ever. PS- Miss you!!

  2. I bet Aiden was loving the egg hunt. I imagine that it's truly egg-ceptional (haha) at age two! Ava liked picking the eggs up and putting them in her bucket/basket, but was also kind of looking at us like, "You guys are weird. Why are we doing this?" Next year she'll be the age Aiden is now and will love it even more, I'm sure.

    So glad you had a lovely holiday!

  3. Ah! Such a fun time with family! So glad you guys got to get together! :)
