
Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Motherhood Has Made Me {Mother's Day 2017}

I posted this on Instagram on Mother's Day and wanted to have it here too...

Being their Mom has made me.
Made me joyful.
Made me stronger.
Made me braver.
Made me see the world with fresh eyes.
Made me laugh.
Made me want to pull my hair out.
Made me proud.
Made me focus more on others.
Made me worry.
Made me sing louder.
Made me cry.
Made me smile wider.
Made me hug tighter.
Made me trust deeper.
Made me dance sillier.
Made me not afraid to ask for help.
Made me learn and do things I never thought I could.
Made me feel more loved than I ever thought possible.

I had such a sweet Mother's Day with my boys. I got to sleep in and woke up to Aiden handing me a rose and telling me in his sweet little voice "Happy Mother's Day." I got pictures with my little ones, roses and the sweetest card from my husband, chocolate chip pancakes for brunch, a new pair of Toms shoes and a nice patio cookout with family. 

1st Mother's Day with Alder
It was a sweet weekend. I'm blessed everyday to call myself Aiden and Alder's Mama.

1 comment:

  1. So sweet! Looks like a wonderful mother's day. Happy (belated) mother's day, sweet friend!
