
Tuesday, June 6, 2017

I've Got This...Oh wait.

Something you typically don't hear Moms say when it comes to raising their children is "I've got this!" That's because as soon as you think you have the parenting thing down and you are feeling confident, your child enters a new stage and you have to figure everything out all over again. Here are a few examples...

The Newborn phase where every thing is a mystery including the color of their poop. Even if you've already been through the newborn phase, when you do it again it's still just as crazy. As soon as you have swaddling mastered, breastfeeding is going well and you are getting a few consecutive hours of sleep...BOOM, enter the infant phase.

The Infant phase where nothing is safe. Everything gets grabbed and put in their mouths. You have just figured out your child's "schedule" and then BAM a growth spurt or BOOM teething and everything gets thrown out and you are back to square one. Then there's the dreaded 4 month regression, introducing solids, moving them into a crib...all game changers once again to your parenting game, but just wait...

The Toddler phase where your child is now a walking talking human with strong opinions and ideas. AKA you are riding an emotional roller coaster every single day and tantrums pop up without warning. You think you have your sweet infant under control and it's so nice to be able to strap them in to a carrier or stroller and go, but now that you have a toddler, you have to start thinking about discipline and how to respond when your child does something to publicly humiliate you like throwing a tantrum in the middle of Target or running away from you in a parking lot. Then there's potty training and the transition out of the crib where every night is a new surprise. Will they stay in bed? Will they wet the bed? Will they get up and magically open the door and escape? Will I sleep tonight? Help!

And these are just the phases I've experienced so far and I haven't even mentioned how you feel when you add another child to the equation. So yeah, you will never hear me say "I've got this" when it comes to parenting and if I do say it, I'm sure it will be short lived.

Parenting is humbling and always an adventure. The best adventure if you ask me.


  1. It's incredibly humbling, that is for sure. And I am only at the year-one mark, haha! It's crazy how fast things change and all of a sudden I'm thinking things like, "What? How do I deal with this now? He wasn't doing that last week!" etc.

  2. YUP. Somehow, I just assumed that once they start sleeping through the night, that sleep is no longer an issue. Oh, poor, clueless, childless me. Lol

  3. It is overwhelming when just as soon as I get a handle on what the heck I'm doing, something changes! I didn't expect it to be like that, but you're right: it is the best adventure :)

  4. Yes girl every stage is so different and difficult. I do think you should say I've got this though girly! BECAUSE YOU DO. You can do anything and you can accomplish it. :)

  5. Oh my goodness. I have a tween and a toddler and let me tell you, the phases almost seem to repeat just in a different severity! My girls are crazy and I'm exhausted by the end of it! But they're my little monsters!

  6. Haha YES! As soon as you think you've got the hang of something, BOOM! Everything changes again!

  7. Haha, this is so true! I both love and hate the advice to "enjoy the moment you're in" because when you're in it, it can be so hard! But some of those thing pale in comparison to the things you face later on. Each stage definitely comes with its own challenges.

  8. Oh dear goodness... Yes, yes, and YES!!!
