
Monday, July 3, 2017

Aiden's 1st MLB Game!

Drew and I have been talking about taking Aiden to a Reds game basically since he was born, but we never got around to it...until a few weekends ago. We strategically picked a game that had an earlier start time so we wouldn't run in to bedtime aka Aiden's cranky hour. We started our day by visiting a favorite sporting goods store of Drews downtown called Koch's. We bought Aiden a Reds shirt and hat and then once he was decked out in Reds gear we walked to the stadium.
Drew picked the perfect seats for Aiden's first game, right behind home plate and up so he could see the entire field. It was an extremely hot day so we paid an outrageous price for two slushies. Haha. YOLO.
Overall Aiden had a blast. His favorite parts were the animation on the screen when a player got walked (a ghost haunting the pitcher). He kept saying "Where's the ghost?" and "See the ghost again?" Haha. He also loved the cheers (CHARGE!) and all the clapping when someone got a hit.
It was so fun to watch Aiden soak in all the sights of his first MLB game and he even got a compliment from a stranger about how awesome he did! He left with a first game certificate, a belly full of peanuts and slushy, a very sweaty head and a smile. We had so much fun on a date just the three of us to Aiden's first (of many) Reds games!

1 comment:

  1. So fun!! I love that you guys took him to do this and that he had such a great time! :)
