
Friday, August 18, 2017

A Life {and blog} Update

I have neglected this little space of mine lately, but with good reason. I am in a busy season as a Mom of two littles and want to be present in it. I am also sleep deprived because one of my kiddos refuses to nap and the other refuses to sleep longer than 4 hour stretches at night. Sleep deprivation doesn't really lead to creative or cohesive thoughts. Oh Mom life. That being said, I do miss this space and I want to continue documenting our lives here and the things I love about life right now. So you may notice my blog got a revamp (Thanks Erin!) which I am hoping will inspire me. So here is a little life update...

Aiden is potty trained. (All the praise hands for this one)

Alder is eating solid foods and loving it.

I just rewatched all 6 seasons of Parenthood and am convinced there is no better show out there. Want to prove me wrong? I welcome all suggestions.

My babies adore each other.

We had a very sweet and very chill summer together with lots of visits to parks and playgrounds. Drew went back to school this week and Aiden asks me at least 10 times a day, "Where's Dada?" I loved our time all together as a family of 4 this summer.

I am a coaches wife and can't wait to take my boys to his teams first football game.

I did a health challenge in July and lost 4 pounds. I also cooked a lot more and a lot healthier. Some of my favorite simple and healthy meals I've been cooking lately: Creamy Sun-dried Tomato Paleo Baked Chicken, Ranch Porkchops and Potatoes One Sheet Dinner, Chicken Shawarma Quinoa Bowls, Stuffed Sweet Potato with BBQ Chicken

I saw Kari Jobe in concert and it was one of the most amazing and spiritual nights I've ever experienced. She is amazing and so raw and real. And her newest CD, The Garden has been playing in my car since Easter and I still love it. If you haven't listened to it, read the story behind why she made it on her website first and then listen. You will love it even more.

My Dad and Drew have been conspiring to make a model train table for Aiden. My Dad bought the Polar Express Train and they are making the table Christmas themed so my parents can set it out each year around the holidays. It is going to be epic.

Aiden is asking more and more questions about everything he observes. My favorite question so far: "Where do toots go?" Hahahaha. My husband's answer: "Up in the sky!" Now Aiden looks for his toots in the sky. Oh boy mom life, I love you.

Alder and I took a solo road trip to meet up with some of my college friends at the beach in Michigan. He was a champion traveler and he is just the most content little guy. I can't believe he has been with us for half a year already!

I am a baby food making machine. My freezer is full of frozen breastmilk and frozen homemade purees. When I look in my freezer I feel extremely proud. Feeding babies is no joke.

I am so very tired, but so very happy.

Thank you for reading and following along. 
I am glad you have stuck around or if you are new, I'm so glad you stopped by. 


  1. Your space looks so lovely! :) And yay for good summers, Michigan beaches, potty trained kids, and good new recipes. Nice to see you back!

  2. I love the new look, friend! It sounds like life is so sweet (and exhausting) right now!


  3. Excited to check out the recipes! Congrats on potty training the toddler and keeping your baby boy fed with all that stashed breastmilk and baby food!

  4. Hahaha I love the toots in the sky question!! And yay for potty training - I can't wait until we are there!!!


  5. So much goodness happening right now. I totally understand taking a step back from blogging. Soaking up time with your babies is so precious. :)

    I love Kari Jobe so I'm excited to read more about why she wrote her latest album.

  6. Yay for being potty trained- go Aiden!!! We're not there yet, but boy, am I ready!

    Love the new design <3
