
Tuesday, May 24, 2011

I wish I had a green thumb...

I will be honest and tell you that I don't really remember ever actually planting a plant on my own or even having a desire to until I got married. With that off my chest, I've decided that plants and I have had a love/hate relationship so far.
Last year hubby and I had a tree removed from the front of our yard leaving a huge gap. What to do with a huge gap smack in the front of our new (to us) house?
We decided to build a retention wall and fill it with beautiful plants and we actually had a wonderful time shopping for and planting our mini garden of Eden. This picture was taken almost exactly a year ago.
The test was whether our plants would hold up after the ridiculously hot summer we had. I watered and watered and pruned and fertilized and did all those things a good gardener should do. The results are in and I'm proud to say that most of the plants in our retention wall area came the side of the house is a completely different story. It's like the jungle book over there and I'm not happy. But to support the good's a then and now picture of my favorite flowering bush.
Do you have any flower success stories? What are your secrets? I need neighbor has a green thumb and I feel pressured to impress her. Ha.


  1. Sadly I don't have any flower success stories =( The only thing I've ever been able to plant and keep alive is Rosemary.

  2. our backyard is just a stone patio. i'd love to get some potted vegetable plants, but i have NO idea what i'm doing!

  3. Oh my gosh, that bush is absolutely beautiful!! WOW!! I wish that I liked to plant or was good at it. I'd love to have a beautiful and bright yard!
