
Monday, May 23, 2011

Monday night love

Mondays are usually a downer. The weekend is over and the work week begins. But the past four years Mondays have held a special place in my heart. My bible study meets on Monday nights at Starbucks, good idea right? Amazing coffee-check, sharing our hearts and love for Jesus-check, fabulous company, double check. We are a group of 20-something girls from all different walks of life...a teacher, a beauty queen, a soon to be focus on the family intern, a personal trainer, a text book company publisher and the list goes on, but we have one huge thing in common. We all desire to grow closer to God and are committed to doing that together.
                              Source: via Allison on Pinterest

Over the years our bible study has grown and changed. Some of us have gotten married, changed careers, graduated and several of the girls have even moved away *tear*, but we were all reunited at our friend Delyse's wedding and it was wonderful.  I love these girls so much and know God has big plans for each of their lives. I'm so thankful for these girls, for their prayers and for the support they give me. Starbucks here we come...


  1. Things I love about you:
    1. You stopped by my blog for Mingle Monday, just when I was stopping by yours. Good timing!
    2. You follow Today's Letters. The Loerkes rock!
    3. You love Starbucks. Any coffee drinker is A-OK in my book.
    4. You're working on becoming closer with God. One of my favorite things in the world!

    Keep up the awesome blogging! Consider me a new follower!

  2. ooo look how cute you guys are! I have been looking for a group like this, maybe a book club or something!

    Thanks for stopping by today, enjoy your orange chicken, its fabulous :)

    xoxo your newest follower

  3. Nothing better than a Bible Study night on a Monday at Starbucks!! Your blog is precious, stopping by from Mingle Monday!

  4. That's amazing that you have a wonderful group of friends to study the bible with. Stopping by from Mingle Monday! :)

  5. I so need a Bible study on my least favorite day... Monday. Starbucks on a Monday I'm sure would help my dislike of it. =)

  6. Over from Mingle Monday! What an awsome place and day to have your bible study! Love it!
    Im a new follower :)

  7. Also, Allison, check out my blog! I've given you the Stylish Blogger award! Love it and pass it on!

  8. you really can't beat good girlfriends. love that y'all love each other and Jesus!
