
Saturday, July 16, 2011

Wedding Month-Showers

I am blessed with some amazing friends and family who threw me the best showers! Here is a snapshot of a few of my bridal showers...
Shower #1: Zoz Shower hosted by my friend Bekah and her mom Dian. You will see from this shower that I am in love with daisies!
Shower #2: My precious kindergarten students and parents
This was my first year teaching and I had the most amazing group of students and parents. They threw me a surprise shower one afternoon complete with fake rings, a cake, a tiara, food and a surprise fiance.

Shower #3: Family shower thrown by my Aunts. It was a derby themed shower since my mom and her sisters grew up in Kentucky!

Shower #4: Shower thrown by Drew's Aunts at one of my favorite restaurants Grand Finale!

Thanks for reading along!


  1. arn't you blessed! 3 awesome showers!! The fact that your class threw you one is too cute! I have been wanting to go to Grand Finale since we moved here- and we still haven't been! We are moving in 2 weeks- maybe we can find time to go- what is your favorite dessert to get there?

  2. Wow! You are one lucky girl! :) Congrats on your upcoming wedding!
