
Wednesday, July 13, 2011


Happy Wednesday! Here are a few things that I am loving today...

I'm loving that I won a giveaway from the fabulous and always entertaining, Megan over at Across the Pond! This little package arrived on my doorstep the other day...

And here is the print that was inside, which is now framed and hanging in our bedroom!
I'm loving that I will be heading to Pittsburgh today with one of my girlfriends to support her as she tries out for American Idol!

I'm loving that I finally recovered our dining room chairs...I'll post a tutorial soon!

I'm loving our Snow Cone maker on these ridiculously hot summer days
I'm loving that my church family miraculously raised $40,000 in just 30 days for our youth pastor and his family to be able to stay another year with us.

And I'm loving my husband and our little family!
Link up with Jamie and share what you are loving today!


  1. Oh a snow cone machine, how fun! And I love the fabric you picked for your chairs, so cute!

  2. Love the seat covers! Can't wait to check out the tutorial! Have a great Wednesday!

  3. Love the fabric you picked for the seats! =D

  4. Great loves! Happy Wednesday!

  5. I love everything about this post-so much! How cute is your family? and congrats on the giveaway win - apparently we both have a bit of luck!!

  6. What an adorable print! And I am totally impressed with your chair recovering abilities!

  7. congrats on winning!!! what a cute print.

  8. Awww the cats are so adorable. My two cats would never sleep that close to each other. I could definitely go for a lime snow cone right now.

    We are hosting a Pamper Yourself Giveaway. Please stop by and enter.

  9. You are loving some great things today! I would love a snow cone right about's blazin hot down here in TN. Wish we lived closer :)

  10. I love looking at your's like a breath of fresh air. Good-Luck to your Friend!

  11. That sno-cone machine looks amazing! I might need to invest in one soon!

  12. What I would give for a sno-cone!! They sound so amazing! Enjoy :)

  13. That's a lot of great things you're loving on today!
    I'm really liking those chairs of yours. Awesome job!
    And your friend is trying out for AI? SO am I going to see you on TV in the next few months?
    And congrats on winning that awesome print!

  14. GREAT LOVES! I just discovered your blog through WILW on This Kind of Love!

    I am your newest follower :)

    I am having a giveaway on my blog! Come check it out & enter to win! :)

  15. That is gorgeous! What a fun thing to win. Hope you're having a BEAUTIFUL day!!!
