
Saturday, November 26, 2011

Goodbye Thanksgiving, Hello Christmas!

My Thanksgiving was fabulous...I got to shoot guns with my husband and his cousins, ate more amazing food then I can tell you about and enjoyed some amazing company including my sister in law who was in town from NYC.
Friday hubby and I got up early, drove through McDonald's to power up and hit the stores for some deals. Surprisingly by the time we got up and out the stores weren't all that crowded. We checked a few people off of our list then went home to decorate our house for Christmas.
Right now I have THIS in the crock pot, the Ohio State vs. Michigan game on in the family room and my ornaments out to hang on our tree! Here is a sneak peek at one of my Christmas decor ideas.
If you have a picture hanging up on the wall that is not Christmas-y, simply cover it in some fabric and wha-la...a new look for the holidays! Hope you are having a wonderful weekend!


  1. Love the idea of covering it with fabric!! So smart!! Have a great Saturday!

  2. Hehe! What a fun Thanksgiving! I've never shot a gun like that!

  3. Holy moly Allison, you look so adorable with that shot gun! Kind of like, "I'm not too sure about this but I'm still rocking it!"

  4. I love the idea for the fabric covered pictures!

    I'm still in denial that it's Christmas. It can't's still June right?

  5. You are brave for black Friay shopping. Glad you had a good Thanksgiving.

  6. Happy Thanksgiving to you too! Time to bring out the Christmas Decor!
