
Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Thanksgiving eve...

Today was a beautiful day in the Midwest. I went to the outlets with my mom to do some Christmas shopping and Black Friday or not we found some amazing deals! I came home with my hands full of shopping bags! I didn't take a picture of us shopping, but this picture is us a few days ago when I gave my mom one of her presents early. Ever since I made my first banner she had been hinting that she wanted one and I couldn't wait any longer to give it to her. Plus now she can enjoy her banner during the holiday season.
Right now Drew is in the kitchen baking one of his famous Chocolate pies. My grandpa loves Drew's pies so much that he gave us a pie carrier as part of our gift a few years ago. So sweet (literally.)
I have all the ingredients set out to make Cranberry salsa! My friend Ashley brought it to our book club last night and I could not stop eating it. Yummmm!

Tonight I plan on cooking, drinking hot chocolate and listening to Christmas music while we deck our halls...starting with finding the perfect spot for my own  Christmas banner! I hope you all have an amazing Thanksgiving tomorrow filled with family, food and fun!


  1. Lady - I am loving those banners! Enough that I am finally going to make one of my own.

    Enjoy all the Thanksgiving festivities. Especially the chocolate pie and cranberry salsa - YUM!

  2. ah isn't it just a beautiful time of year! love it! :) i just got done with some of my baking! :)

  3. I seriously love those banners that you are making! You should sell them!!! I'm serious!
