
Sunday, November 20, 2011

Twilight: Fan or Ban?

Okay girls,
This may come as a shock to some of you Twilight fans, but I just caved and saw the movies for the first time this weekend.
I had been "protesting" seeing them because vampires and werewolves don't quite appeal to me and there was just too much hype for my liking. I did read the first book and I'll admit I couldn't put it down, but then I refused to read the others...just because. My friend Bekah has been wanting me to watch them and Friday our boys were working on a manly building project so I caved and we had a Twilight girl's night complete with slippers and No Bake cookies.
I will admit that the movies were better than I thought they would be, but I still wouldn't consider myself a hardcore Twilight fan. So what do you think...are you a fan of Twilight or would you ban these books/movies if you could? Fan or ban?
Happy Weekend!!


  1. I have to admit to being a fan! BUT I don't think the movies are NEARLY as good as the books, so I'm not really a fan of the movies themselves. Too angsty!

  2. Fan! I love them lol. I read all the books in like a week :) My husband even admitted that the movies weren't so bad! ha.

  3. oh hard core for sure! except todd and i are waiting to see the new movie this week so we don't have to fight the crowds! :)

  4. I loved the books but didn't care for the first 2 movies. Guess that means I am a fan of the books and ban for the movies

  5. Confession: I have never seen any OR read any of the books. : ) And I'm okay with it.

  6. I have also never read the books or seen the movies - I know once I start other I will probably be hooked. I am easily influenced - but stubborn to continue to avoid them. It's a great combo.

  7. I just saw them this weekend as well. My best friend's birthday was this weekend and she likes the movies, so I watched them with her and then we went and saw the one in theaters. I'm not hooked nor will I read the books, but I agree with you, they were better than I thought they would be.

  8. I have never seen the movies bc the whole vampires/werewolf stuff is so NOT my thang'. But my friends keep insisting that I would like them bc there's a bunch of drama that would just suck me in. Haha
    I'm glad you had a great girls night at least :-)

  9. I'm kind of a fan... not of the movies, but of the books, for sure.

    I HAVE seen the Hunger Games trailer. Can't wait to see it! Although, I'm a little afraid it'll ruin my visualization.

  10. Haha, I'm glad you caved, sometimes it is necessary. But, with Twilight..I haven't seen any of the movies. I read the first 100 pages of the first book but then I put it down because I had to read a book for school instead. I have nothing against it and would totally cave for a girls night to watch it!

    I hope you'll check out my blog & giveaways, plus a link up called Wish! {out loud} that I hope you'll participate in!
