
Thursday, December 8, 2011

Carrie Underwood Christmas Style!

One definite perk to working at a private Christian school funded by rich donors is that we get invited to their big Christmas party every year. The Christmas party is held at Music Hall and is always amazing. Last year was my first year going and the guest performer was Darius Rucker. Not too shabby right?

Well this year takes the cake...the performer was Carrie Underwood and let me tell you that I am in love with her. She is beautiful, talented, loves Jesus and is just a fabulous performer.
A few teachers I work with and our hubby's went to dinner downtown before the big show. We ate at an old bar and grill that has been around for literally 100 years and the food was great.
Carrie put on one heck of a show. My favorite was when she sang Jesus Take the Wheel and then went straight into How Great Thou Art...I seriously got a little choked up. She got a standing ovation after that song and she deserved it.
After the show there was a "light" buffet meaning free drinks, shrimp, meatballs, fruit and desserts galore...and a band performing in the ball room.  What a great way to kick off the holidays...with Carrie!


  1. Oh wow, that is SO cool!!!! I'm jealous! I love Carrie!!

  2. oh my word! love her. and daaaang, her legs. better go do some squats now :)

  3. *Sigh* Carrie Underwood has been my girl-crush since her American Idol days. She is AMAZING. Look at those LEGS. And that voice?! I was lucky enough to see her in 2007. But I am still envious that you got to see her - so lucky.

  4. wow lucky lucky you!! you look beautiful by the way in your photos. holy cow i want her trainer to make over my body to be toned like hers, amazing

  5. Wow that is AMAZING that Carrie performed there! You really can't get much better than that in country music! Her "How Great Thou Art" performance is incredible....I can't even imagine it live!

  6. ahhh how amazing!!! what a fun night! perks to working at a private school huh...ill keep that in mind ;)

  7. Wow--lucky! I haven't checked blogs in a while; I love the new design!
