
Sunday, December 11, 2011

Tacky Christmas Sweater Party!

Every year since we have been married, Drew and I have thrown a Tacky Christmas Sweater party.
We go shopping in my grandma's closet and have yet to wear the same thing twice! I love having this party every year because 1.) It motivates me to get my Christmas decorations up early 2.) I get to see all my friends in full blown Christmas tackiness and 3.) It is a wonderful way to kick off the Christmas season.
This year I decided to try out a Pinterest idea and make my own photobooth. I used a frame from my sister's wedding, popped out the glass and wrapped it in lights. I had some holiday fabric left over from another project so I put it up as a background and I love how the pictures turned out!
Have you ever been to a Tacky Sweater party?


  1. ahhh haha you even got your kitties in on it too :) wish brian and i couldve been there...sooo fun!!

  2. Love the photos with the picture frame around them :)
    I've never participated in a tacky sweater party!
    Looks fun!

  3. I have never been to a tacky sweater party - but have always wanted to. Looks like so much fun. Ummm...and that photo booth idea?! Brilliant. I am totally stealing it for my Xmas/new years get together.

    p.s. that red vest with the dog on it is AMAZING

  4. I've seriously never been to one!! It looks like so much fun! I love the frame idea. So smart!!

  5. Those are some amazing jumpers!
    I've never been to a tacky sweater party but I have been to a party where we all had to wear the craziest outfit we could.
    I backcombed my hair and then left my hairbrush at a friends by accident. It made getting ready for work the next day interesting!

  6. I love them! I've been trying to convince Brandon to let me buy him one of those sweaters so we could take our Christmas pics, but he refuses to oblige. I've got two more weeks to convince him :-)
    You guys look amazing! And it looks like you had a blast :=)

  7. I love tacky Xmas sweater parties! We have thrown a few in the past...but we've never had the frame for pictures...great idea!

  8. I love tacky Christmas parties! We're supposed to have one next Tuesday. I love the picture frame idea--so creative!

  9. haha omg that's so funny but I think it's so cool that you all dress alike, looks amazing in pictures! the last pic totally made me laugh :D

  10. haha! i want to come :)

    i love that you have so many options from your grandma. that's amazing!

  11. super cute frame idea. and LOVE the sweaters. haha. where do you find them really?!

  12. Ahhhh this looks like so much fun! we go to an ugly sweater party every year...always a blast :)

    The Other Side of Gray

  13. I'm seriously dying to go to a tacky/ugly sweater party, but maybe it's because we live in the sunshine state that we havent been able to have one. it looks so much fun though.

  14. It motivates me to get my Christmas decorations up early 2.) I get to ...

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