
Wednesday, January 11, 2012

The Birthday a bowtie (G rated)

Today is my husband's birthday! Each year I spend with him I just feel more and more blessed and more and more in love with him. One thing I love about him is his adorable personality. Today he wore a bowtie to work and said "I'm wearing a bow tie because it's my birthday." I must say he looks pretty darn snazzy in a bow tie.
Drew has been in to meet my kiddos and they wanted to call him since it was his birthday. We left a message on his voice mail complete with Cha-cha-cha's in between each verse of Happy Birthday. How could that not make you smile? Drew requested meatloaf for his birthday dinner so I made Pioneer Woman's Meatloaf. It looked, smelled and most importantly tasted amazing. And this is from a girl who was never a huge fan of meatloaf ...until now. Anything that is wrapped in bacon can't be so bad right? Let me just tell you it is a must make recipe! You can find it here.
I am so thankful to have had another year to spend with my amazing husband. Happy Birthday hubby...I'm so happy to have you to wake up to every morning.


  1. Yall are precious!! Sounds like he had a great birthday!

  2. happy birthday to your husband! i love his bowtie, you two are adorable

  3. Agreed, big fan of the bowtie. Happy birthday Drew!

  4. Happy birthday to your husband. How adorable is he - wearing a bow tie on his birthday? You're a lucky lady.

    On a side not - I am def. going to try out that recipe. I am a fan of both meatloaf and bacon. This sounds perfect.

  5. You guys are just too adorable. Happy Birthday to your man!

  6. haha you two are too cute! Loving the bow tie ;)
