
Thursday, January 12, 2012

Cat vs. Human

I haven't posted about my cats in a little too they make their re-appearance today! I know some people don't love cats, but I love my cats, quirks and all. Really cats just make me laugh.
One of my favorite blogs to check out (and laugh hysterically while looking at) is Cat verses human. I'm going to share a few of my favorites with you...

Here are some places my cats sleep that they probably shouldn't...
In the sink...
On our banister while using a wooden candle as a pillow...
In the windowsill...
On my head...
On his head... 

So I'll have to make my next cat post all about Bear because Sawyer stole the spotlight in this one. Where is a place your pet sleeps that they probably shouldn't?


  1. haha those pictures are hilarious! And I'm pretty sure I've found Pep in every single one of those positions! Cats are SO entertaining :)

    1. My dog apparently thinks she is a cat. She sleeps in funny places like that all the time. On top of my husband's head is her favorite place.

  2. Just found your cute blog and have enjoyed reading! My cat is a huge fan of sleeping in the sink! Funny animals.

    Bennett Love

  3. Haha great post! My cats are the exact same way.


    allison, you are the winner of the shabby apple giveaway on my blog! The first winner never claimed her prize! Shoot me an e-mail and tell me which necklace you would like and I will put you in touch with the rep to get it shipped!


  5. Do I need to even tell you how much I love this post?!

    AND - look at you winning a blog giveaway!! I must have left some luck for you with my recent win. Congratulations - I can't wait to see what you pick out.


  6. hahah i am laughing out loud. i loveee it! amazing photos! just found your blog, im following x

  7. Awwww, these pictures are precious!! The one on the windowsill is adorable!! I'm not a huge cat person, but these really are sweet!

  8. haha I did a similar post not too long ago...your little cats are adorable! I would love to get one, but we are only allowed our dog right now. :(

  9. This is so funny!!!
    Im not totally into having cats, but I think they are cute and photograph so well. weird, :)

  10. HA! This is hilarious. I'm not a bit cat person, but yours are pretty cute!

  11. o! He looks just like my baby who ran away! :(
    Hurley used to sleep in all of the strangest places, his favorite was the sink and bathtub. Mostly he slept in the sink though so as soon as you turned it on he was able to drink out of it!
    This post was soo cute! I miss my kitties!
