
Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Calling all delicious recipes...

Tonight I'm not feeling so good so instead of grading papers I'm on the couch surrounded by some of my favorite magazines and cookbooks looking for delicious meals to add to my binder full of recipes. I have been keeping up pretty well with my meal plans and using the form below has made it 100 times easier. Over the summer I came up with 20 different meal rotations and I'm ready to create some more!

This meal planning sheet has been a HUGE help in meal planning. One reason I was always stressed about trying to keep up with a meal plan is never having the ingredients I needed when I actually needed them. Now I shop once a week for all my ingredients and instead of carrying several recipe cards with me around the grocery and looking back and forth between them to make sure I have everything I have been using this sheet to list all the ingredients I need. The best part is that the ingredient list is sorted into categories! I try to shop on Sundays (or sometimes hubby and I will have a grocery store date on Friday romantic and exciting I know.)

Some of my favorite sources for recipes are: Pioneer Woman (website and cookbook), my sister in law Ashley, Pinterest, Real Simple Magazine, and the Tasty Kitchen blog. Anyone have a must try recipe that I should add to my binder of recipes? I would love to add your favorite recipe to our meal rotation. Who has a recipe to share??

I'll leave you with one of my all time favorite recipes: Chicken Spaghetti!


  1. Hands down, this is my favorite PW recipe:

    And if you like to recipe hunt, have you ever used taste spotting? It's awesome!

  2. I have 2 or 3 favorites that I will send you soon!

  3. I am totally using this worksheet - I have been trying to think of a way to create a shopping list. This is perfect.

    Also you've convinced me to buy the pioneer woman cookbook. You should charge her commission for all the publicity you give her :)

  4. I recently discovered this blog with tons of healthy recipes. I tried the club quesadilla and it was yummy. The name of the blog is Emily Bites.

  5. i love real simple magazine, martha stewart's everyday food. and meal planning is a huge help to me, helps me keep my sanity during the week!

  6. yes! I have been meaning to list out each night's meals too...I love that template. I also need some new recipes...I'll be checking back for new ones :)
