
Friday, January 27, 2012

Friday's Letters


Dear Sweet Hubby of mine,
Thank you for taking care of me this week when I was cranky and sick. Thank you for getting me Panera soup and a bagel when I didn't feel like cooking dinner for you. I promise I'll cook lots and lots next week.
P.S. Thanks for loving our cats as much as I do
Dear Meal Plan,
I'm sorry I didn't stick with you this week you as promised. I'll be sure to cook an extra few meals next week...maybe.
Dear Baby Kitties,
Thank you for cuddling with me when I didn't feel good. You are better than a heating pad and much sweeter. "I feel sick, I need cuddles." (See below)

Dear Bang Bang Shrimp.
I will be eating you in excess tonight for FREE! Thank you for being so delicious and satisfying.
Dear New (to me) sewing machine,
I really, really, really want to be an expert seamstress and know how to make all the cute projects I see on the internet. Work with me okay?
Dear Mom,
I love that I can let my problems spill with you. You have always been a good listener and you give the best advice. XOXO
Dear Valentine's Day,
You are coming up soon. I am pinning so many ideas about you on Pinterest and I'm getting overwhelmed with all the cute heart shaped projects I can create! Please remind hubby to buy me flowers.

Dear Hubby (again),
Thanks for taking care of our leaky basement without complaining. Thank you for making my sandwich every morning. You really are the best. And I know you'd never forget to buy me flowers. :)

If you want more from me today I'm also over at The Smitten Mintons sharing about my sweet kitties on Julie's Furbaby Friday!


  1. I hope you are feeling better! Nothing a little TLC from your husband and some snuggles with your cat can't fix.

    p.s. You should e-mail me your mailing address so I can send you a valentine.

    p.p.s. I.LOVE.YOUR.GUEST.POST. I smiled all the way through reading it. Your kitties are so lucky to be put in the limelight. They are so stinkin' cute so they totally deserve it. Now how do I get Basil in on this??!!

    Have a great weekend.

  2. p.s. I was so caught up in the loveliness of Bear and Sawyer that I missed that you bought a sewing machine. EKKKK - this is great. I suggest you find some tutorials on how to read a pattern - one you get that down the rest it easy. I'll see if I can dig up any good ones. The other suggestion would be to buy a sewing book. I bought one called "The Sewing Book" it outlines different fabrics, sewing techniques, etc. It's a great resource and I have used it many times. Below is the link.

    oooohhhhh maybe we can do sew-a-longs in the future??!!!

  3. Thanks again for guest posting for me!! Your babies are SO adorable! Have a great weekend, girl!

  4. I have a feeling you will be getting flowers for Valentine's Day :)

    Oh, and I read about your kitties. They are so sweet.

  5. I love all of these! I'm totally with you on the sewing machine! I wish it would just make stuff by itself! Ha!
