
Sunday, February 26, 2012

Cake batter milkshakes

Saturday night one of my girlfriends and I made cake batter is going to be our new girl's night ritual until we have tried every flavor of cake mix there is. We got the original recipe from here.
We decided to go for the devil's food cake mix since we both love anything chocolate. All you need is 4-5 cups of milk, a box of cake mix, 4-5 scoops of icecream (we used chocolate) and then the other ingredients called for on the back of the cake mix (minus the eggs.)
They were delicious, but the next time I make these (because I am making them again) I will make a few changes to this recipe. I do love cake batter, but wow...using a whole box of cake mix was way too much for my taste buds to handle. Plus it was so thick it took effort to suck the shake up through a straw.  My recommendation is that when you make these that you make the cake batter in a separate bowl and slowly add it to the ice cream and milk in a blender until you are satisfied with the taste. We just dumped all the ingredients in the blender and hoped for the best.
I don't even want to guess how many calories are in one of these shakes, but on a girl's night I've been told calories don't count right?! I would definitely recommend giving these shakes a whirl.


  1. I saw these on pinterest! sounds yummy!

  2. YUMMY! I'll definitely have to try these soon! Glad you recommended to change up the recipe! Hope you have a great week!

  3. yum! calories definitely DONT count on girls nights ;)

  4. Now those sounds fantastic! I will definitely be trying this...thanks for the tips!

  5. Ok I'm going to STAY away from these..even though I really really want to make one. Ok, you convinced me.. :)


  6. I saw these on pinterest and wanted to try so bad! Oh my gosh, they look like they tasted wonderful! I need to try this asap!

  7. Hey! I saw on a blog post that you commented on that you are from Ohio. Me too! So glad to meet a fellow Ohio-native! :)

  8. I need to make these!!! Maybe for my upcoming birthday? Calories also don't count on your birthday either, right?

  9. OMG these look really good:) Hopping by from a blog hop. I am your newest GFC follower. I hope you can swing by and follow me too! Thanks, Erin

  10. Wow! I haven't seen these floating around the web yet. They look spectacular! I'm going to have to save this idea for my own girls night!

  11. These look and sound AMAZING! I'll have to try them sometime.
    PS - I'm a new follower, I really like your blog!

  12. OH NO!!!!!! Ive got to have this now. haha and i don't NEED IT.

    Follow each other?

  13. Oh my dear goodness! I gave up sugar for lent, but these look mighty tempting, lady!

    Thanks for stopping by for Mingle Monday! Loving your sweet little blog!! :) xoxo

  14. those look amazing!! what a fun girls night idea!

  15. And that is it. I am going to make one! I just popped over from Emmy Junes, and am enjoying your blog :)
