
Friday, February 24, 2012

Friday's Letters

Dear sweet as pie husband,
Thank you for supporting me as I am putting the final pieces together for my Etsy shop. You listen patiently to all my ideas and you even helped me paint my photo backdrop and let me abandon you for my sewing machine for hours. That's true love.
Dear French fry cutter,
Where have you been all my life? I had no idea I could make french fries with such ease. I love you, but hate you for the fat you will add to my thighs now that I've found you.
Dear Pioneer Woman,
Your tour dates are now posted and Cincinnati is not on the list this year. I am so sad. Please come back. Oh and your new cookbook comes out this month. I can't wait to try some new recipes. Your sugar and butter filled recipes never let me down.
Dear sister,
I know you found out some tough news this week about grad school, but you are amazing and God has BIG, BIG, BIG plans for you. I love you lots and wish I could give you a big hug.
Dear Ohio Weather,
It's snowing?! Really? Yesterday it was 55 and sunny. Will you please make up your mind already? 
Dear Carly (who just turned 21), 
We had so much fun celebrating with you on Wednesday night. You look cute in a sombrero.
Dear husband (again),
I can't wait for sushi and Downton Abbey tonight. You did know we were watching Downton Abbey right? Oh I forgot to mention that? You are a trooper and I love you more than words could ever say.

Love, Allison


  1. I REALLY need a french fry cutter!

  2. Oooh I need to check out that french fry cutter stat!

  3. I can't wait to see your Etsy shop Allison! Have you always sewed? I think that's such a great hobby, I would love to learn!

  4. I am so excited for your etsy shop!

    I need a french fry cutter - where did you find it?!

    I am going to buy the pioneer woman cookbook - because of you.

    Hope you get to be crafty this weekend. I am going to try to dust off my machine.

  5. French fry cutter?! I need to try one of those!

  6. I can't wait to see your etsy shop and I need a french fry cutter!!

  7. i want that french fry cutter!!! what a cool tool!

  8. super cute that you had 2 letters to your hubby =)...
    and french fry cutter=dangerous ;-)

  9. Ohhhh, I need a french fry cutter. Like right now. Haha.
