
Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Oh How Pinteresting...Valentine Edition

Today I'm linking up with Michelle over at The Vintage Apple for Oh How Pinteresting Wednesday!
This week all my pins have to do with Valentine's day! I have always, always adored Valentine's day. I will give my parents credit for this because growing up they always made me feel extra loved and special on Valentine's day just because they could. I never felt like I needed a boyfriend to make me feel loved and I am so thankful for that. Now I feel weird if I don't wear pink or red and pass out Valentine's to people. I love love and not just the romantic kind. So in honor of my love for Valentine's day here are some of my favorite Valentine themed pins.
Source: via Allison on Pinterest

What are your thoughts on Valentine's day? Do you think it is overrated or do you use it as an excuse to spread the love? Either way...I hope you feel loved this Valentine's day.


  1. this totally made me smile!!!

  2. aw love these! I'm not usually that excited about Valentines day but this is our first one as a married couple and I can't wait! :)

  3. I pretty much just love hearts so Valentine's Day decor is my favorite!

    You should come enter my Valentine's Day giveaway!

  4. I can't pick just 1! I love them all :)
    But I have to admit the last one is TOO cute!


  5. I LOVE these pins! I'm with you, Valentine's Day is such a fun day and a really good excuse to decorate and make others feel loved.

    And all the sweets are pretty awesome, too. :)
