
Sunday, February 5, 2012

Scavenger Hunt Sunday!

I'm so excited to be participating in my first Scavenger Hunt Sunday. I loved being on the hunt for ways to capture these five things this week: Strike a pose, footwear, hobby, shiny and color me green. Here's what I came up with....

Strike a Pose-This is my parents newest dog, Bailey. They got him right after Christmas because his family could no longer take care of him. I've been stopping in frequently to get acquainted with this adorable face and I had to snap a few pictures of him. This is my favorite...he poses quite nicely.
Footwear: A pair of some of my favorite shoes that my friend Bekah bought for me. When I was younger I went through a cheetah print phase and my room was decked out in cheetah. I still have a secret love for it.
Hobby-I had a tough time deciding which hobby I should snap a picture of. Friday night I was working on some banners for my shop and found my opportunity.
Shiny-I loved taking pictures of my new watch necklace from Shabby Apple! I won it recently from Ashley over at Adventures of Newlyweds. I've already gotten so many compliments on it.
Color Me Green- This picture I pulled from my archive because there's not too much green around here this time of year. This is a picture I snapped this summer of a peacock at Drew's cousin's house. It just screams green! I love that I captured Drew's cousin and his horse in the field behind it.


  1. Welcome to SHS. I love this linky-great to see more people trying it out. Bailey is handome dog. Great to adopt these givers of love into our lives. Cheatal phase. Hmmmmm. Cute shoes.

  2. Great photos! Bailey is super cute dog!!! I love labs.
    And that necklace, amazing!!!

  3. Love those shoes - and your last pretty.

  4. eeeekkkk - your necklace is AMAZING! I was wondering what you picked out. I am so glad you're playing along - I meant to send you a reminder but luckily I didn't need to.

    All your shots are beautiful. I totally love those shoes. And we need to talk banner.

  5. Your clock pendant is lovely and your shoes put me to mind of an old headband I loved until it wore out - nice collection.

  6. I'm a sucker for a lab! He popped right out at me on your linky......he reminds me of my Mocha we used to have.
    Your necklace is very cool - so unique!

  7. Love those shoes! And that is one vert adorable doggie face. :)

    1. Okay, I've no idea why I typed 'vert' instead of 'very'! Oops.

  8. That last shot is pretty darn fantastic. I love the peacock, but I think the whole photo gets even more interesting by the people in the background. Lovely.


  9. Welcome to scavenger hunt. Beware. It's addicting!! Lovely shots, but that last one is fantastic! Have a great week and have fun with this weeks hunt.

  10. Lovely shots! Your watch is gorgeous, nice win!

  11. WELCOME!!! I always love see newbies! and I second MG Atwood's comments...soooo addicting! Great set, I love the shoes!!! And the strike a post. Very cute!

  12. Hi. Thank you for stopping by and leaving such a nice comment!! And yeah for joining Scavenger Hunt- its my favorite!! Fabulous photos! I just LOVE your shiny necklace, the gorgeous shoes and the postcard green photo!! Have a good week! Sabrina

  13. Great shots - Bailey looks so sweet!

  14. Bailey looks like a honey of an animal. I always say you can judge an animal by its eyes. :)

  15. Great set, I LOVE your watch necklace, it's so beautiful! Baily looks like an adorable dog!
