
Sunday, February 12, 2012

Scavenger Hunt Sunday!

    Time for another Scavenger Hunt Sunday over at Ramblings and Photos!

    Here are this week's topics: facial feature, shadow, spicy, gold and fabric. And here is my take on it...

    Facial feature-I can't go long without taking pictures of my cats. Bear was my model for this shot.

    Shadow- It hasn't been very sunny in Ohio the past few days so I had to find some shadows to play with inside. I love the shadow the Mason Jars cast.

    Spicy-My first thought when seeing the word spicy...

    Gold-We have an old Crosley radio in our house and I just love the way it looks.

    Fabric- It helped that I had these fabrics including my favorite (burlap) lying around for future projects.
    Happy Sunday!


    1. Awesome photos! My faves are "facial feature" and "shadow". Great work!

    2. Nice shots, I especially love the kitty face. Makes me want to grant my girls wish and buy another kitty. Also I noticed you were on pinterest and I am now following a ton of your boards. :)

    3. Awesome cat picture!! Great pictures!

    4. Great photo's! I just started reading your site and I'm looking forward to reading it more often.

    5. I LOVE BEAR! That shot is amazing. Actually all your shots are amazing. YOU ARE AMAZING. I'm so glad you're playing along.

    6. Beautiful shot of the 'facial feature' - amazing capture!

    7. Great shots - love your cat's photo - I find it so hard to take a good shot of my cat - she runs away too fast!

    8. Great set- I really love your first shot.

    9. Great angle on your Spicy shot.

    10. Your facial features shot is excellent. And those fabrics are great too! Also, I saw you like Pioneer Woman. I love her! Just cooked chicken pot pie this afternoon from her cookbook :) Delicious as always. Happy Sunday!

    11. I love that facial feature shot. LOVE IT!

    12. Love the textures in your fabric photo, and the contrast in your cat shot. Just beautiful.

    13. Love your "facial features", perfect focus and great interpretation!
