
Monday, February 13, 2012

Night Circus themed book club

Remember how I told you my book club was reading The Night Circus? Well we went all out for this month's book club meeting. In this book there are a group of people that follow the circus around everywhere and they are known as the "Reveurs." They wear black and white with a splash of red so that they will recognize one another and guess what? Yes, we all dressed in black and white with a splash of red. We are total book nerds and I love it.
We also brought black and white food to go with the theme with the exception of homemade caramel popcorn because it was a circus themed book after all. I'm hoping to get the recipe soon because it was the best popcorn I have ever had. I promise I'll share the recipe when I get it!
I pretty much love my book club. Our next book is Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet if you want to read along. What are you reading?


  1. I am so jealous of your book club. Can I move to Cincinnati?

  2. I love book clubs! I need to get more active in one - it's so much more fun to read and discuss in a group (especially when you color coordinate clothing and food - how cute!). The snacks look delicious!

  3. I just started a book club with some of my friends and we're reading "Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie" this month :) That looks fun!

  4. how fun! what a great idea for a theme :)

  5. Sweetness! I would totally love to be a part of a book club like this!

  6. Oh my word, how fun! Was the book good?

  7. I really want to read this book! Did you like it? A book club is such a wonderful idea, love it! I need to start one! :)
