
Wednesday, February 15, 2012

simple & sweet

Drew and I have now shared 10 consecutive Valentine's days together. Our first ever Valentine's day was complete with a 3 course meal cooked by my then 17 year old boyfriend. He was sweet enough to include my mom (the pastery chef of the evening) my brother (the waiter) and my sister (our server). We have had every kind of Valentine's day together, but my favorites are the simple and thoughtful ones. Last night was my favorite. We went out to dinner at an adorable Italian restaurant where we enjoyed a violinist, chicken alfredo pizza and delicious wine. Then we headed home to try a dessert I found on Pinterest. Click here for the best cupcakes ever! We worked together in the kitchen making the frosting and filling cupcake liners and while the cupcakes were baking we opened our jars where we had each written 25 things we love about each other. We took turns reading them aloud as we cuddled on the couch. We didn't buy each other expensive gifts or spend hundreds of dollars on a fancy dinner we did life together as we always do and it was perfect. I'm so thankful to have such an amazing husband and best friend to do life with.


  1. what a sweet idea i love the jar of 52 reasons what a great idea!! and wow 10 valentines day that is awesome. and how sweet for him to start your valentines day together with a meal involving your family

  2. seriously cutest couple ever! I might steal this jar idea for our wedding anniversary.

    p.s. your valentine arrived yesterday. On valentine's day. I loved it. Thank you!!

  3. Aww, the jars with the reasons you love each other is just simply adorable! I love that idea. It's so nice to actually put those reasons down on paper and share them!

  4. I definitely love spending the evening at home with simple words of love. It means so much more to me than a fancy dinner! Looks like you guys had a great night!

  5. That's a great idea with the jars! I might steal that one. Cute pictures!

  6. congrats on 10 years of valentine's day love! those jars are such a sweet idea, I might have to steal it :)

  7. These are the cutest little jars!
    Such a good idea :)

    I made one kinda like that for Adam for his birthday!

    Happy ALMOST Friday :)
