
Wednesday, February 22, 2012

What I'm Loving Wednesday!

I'm loving that last night's meal turned out so amazing...Pork medallions with Balsamic-Honey glaze. Yummo. Click here for the recipe!
I'm loving the package I got in the mail from my sweet friend Emily!!! Go check out her blog. She's awesome.
I'm loving Downton Abbey...It's the perfect show to craft to and I'm intrigued by the lifestyles and the era surrounding this show. It's on Instant Netflix if you want to try it out.
I'm loving that March is almost here. March means spring break, Ali's wedding in North Carolina and The Hunger Games movie! My book club already has a date for dinner and this movie planned.

I'm loving my kitties and how much they love to cuddle...they make me take "breaks" from grading papers and lesson planning to give them my full attention.
I'm loving this amazing find on Pinterest...these cake batter milkshakes look so good!

I'm loving these Lauren Conrad dresses. I have bought 2 dresses from her line and I love them both...why not add some more to my collection??
                                                                                                 Source: via Allison on Pinterest
                                                                                                  Source: via Allison on Pinterest
                                                                                            Source: via Allison on Pinterest

And as always I'm loving my husband! (He's even better than crab wontons.)


  1. What is it about period dramas that put us in the crafty mood? =D I just got my copy of Hunger Games in the mail and I have the feeling I'll very shortly be sucked into it ;)

  2. i love that package you got too what is the name of that essie color?? and pork medallions with balsamic honey glaze, yum yum!! definitely will get that recipe for sure

  3. I can't wait for the Hunger Games either!! & that recipe looks awesome, thank you for sharing!

  4. i love your sweet kitties, that last dress (well, theyre ALL adorable) and those yummy milkshakes!!!

  5. oh there is so much stuff i love in this post!

    hungry games, the cake batter shakes, the lovely dresses!

    & i think i'm going to start watching downton abbey TOMORROW :)

  6. Thanks for the shout out. I am so glad you like the package - Valentine! How did the red turn out? I thought it was pretty.

    Also - the selection on Canadian Netflix stinks. I have been hearing so much about Downtown Abby and I don't see it on mine.

    I need to check out the LC line. How do you find the dresses to fit?

  7. Yay for Hunger Games! Even my husband is excited for that movie!

  8. Okay, u love all of these things! Those dresses are amazing:) I've never seen Downton Abbey, I only know that SNL made fun of it this week. Haha! But hooray for crafting!

  9. I am literally waiting for Downtown Abbey to finish loading. Mid-episode. So painful, I must finish!

  10. beautiful pics!! thank u so much for sharing them, and I love your cats =)

  11. to say i love everything about this post would be an understatement.

    those cake batter shakes look to die for.

    and i have to get started on downtown abbey asap!!!

    love your blog!

  12. Aww, your cats are so cute! Wish I could have pets at my place :)

  13. I blazed through the first season of DA on Netflix in no time. It's so good! You're right about it being a good crafting show.

  14. Downton Abbey pretty much rocks my socks off! And I'm so excited for the Hunger Games! Yeek!!!

  15. So excited for the Hunger Games! I can't wait to read Mocking Jay! Those milkshakes look so good! You'll have to let me know how they are when you try them!

  16. hey girl! Thank you for the sweet comment on Natasha's travel series yesterday!! :) wanted to say hello!!!


  17. I am so excited for March too! Isn't it the best month EVER? Totally rocks February and January. It's just so nice when you can feel spring in the air and you know that there will, indeed, be an end to winter.

    And I need to try Downtown Abbey! I have been hearing about it like crazy lately. Looks like it is time to jump on the bandwagon!

    new follower :)

  18. Have you made the milkshakes? I must know! Soooo excited for the HG movie! I read all three books last month after just watching the movie trailer.
