
Sunday, March 11, 2012

Scavenger Hunt Sunday

It's...Scavenger hunt Sunday! The 5 things to look for this week were: water, chocolate, light, animal and crowded. Here's what I came up with...

Water-I love the small waterfall in the background of this picture. I made this banner for my Grandma for her 86th birthday (which is today) and snapped a picture of it for my in the works Etsy shop.
Chocolate-I visited a friend and she took me to an amazing little cupcake shop.
Light-It is dangerous to live so close to IKEA...I found this light fixture there.
Animal-I always love an excuse to snap a picture of my kitties. This week we had snow in Ohio..and then 60 degrees, but I managed to snap a picture of my kitty in the snow.
Crowded-I took this picture this summer when my friend tried out for American Idol in Pittsburgh and I thought it was perfect for this topic.
Happy Sunday!


  1. Oh! I love your kitty! I can't believe you got snow AND a 60 degree day. I love the nice weather we are having in Pennsylvania. So fantastic!

  2. Beautiful kitty, and perfect crowded shot.

  3. I love your banners! They look great, Allison!

  4. That crowd shot is perfect for this week! Love the picture of your kitty. The picture is so clear I can almost feel how soft its fur is!

  5. Wow, all of those people were trying out for American Idol? How many people were at that one audition spot?

  6. Love your kitty's eyes in that photo. Also really like the waterfall/banner picture. Happy Birthday to your Grandma!

  7. love your kitty!!!

  8. Oh, I love the light photo. Isn't Ikea just the best? I wish ours wasn't so far away...

  9. Great photos! It's good that I don't live closer to IKEA or I would be there a lot more often. Your kitty is so sweet in the snow.

  10. Great light shot - looks pretty cool.

  11. Love the picture of your cat in the snow! And those cupcakes look delicious! Also, unrelated, but I made pancakes on Saturday; I woke up craving them. I blame your pancake post :)

  12. Those cupcakes look amazing!! I found your blog from Henning Love--it's so cute! :) Looking forward to reading more! :)

  13. Cool "crowded" shot, IKEA is so awesome isn't it!

  14. thanks for stopping by my blog! :) LOVE yours and your beautiful pictures you posted here! :) It would be SCARY if I lived close to IKEA! Target, Hobby Lobby and Pier1 are bad enough! I'd love to host a giveaway for your etsy shop sometime! I LOVE your banners! SO CUTE! email me if you're interested! :)

  15. That banner is SO cute...and that picture is awesome. Those are going to sell like hot cakes. Ha, see your last post. : )

  16. Wonderful series.
    All the photos are really good but I especially like your Animal (can't resist a kitty photo) and the Cupcake shot (those look delicious).
    The Crowded Shot was pretty neat too.

  17. Isn't Ohio ridiculous?!

    Did you purchase anything good at Ikea? :)

  18. Your kitty is so cute!!! Those cupcakes look so yummy. Loving the blog!

  19. Love the idea of a scavenger hunt. I just might have to join you on the adventure ...

    Delighted to stumble over here today. I hope you don't mind if I splash around a bit to get to know you. This looks like a refreshing place to dip my toes in goodness.

