
Monday, March 12, 2012

86 Years Young

My grandma turned 86 yesterday and my whole family traveled down to Kentucky to celebrate with her. My grandma is one of those people who makes you feel truly loved and special all the time. She is still so in love with my grandpa (notice how they are holding hands in every.single.picture) and she is so devoted to our family. I truly look up to her as a woman, mother and wife. Plus she's just hilarious and is always laughing at herself (must be where I get it from!)
We celebrated at my Aunt and Uncle's house and our spread could have been mistaken for an Easter spread. The food was amazing and my Aunt went all out to make sure my grandma felt special.
Our family is all about pictures so we had a few rounds of pictures before we ate and opened presents.
I really am so blessed to have such an amazing group of people to call my family. I am very thankful!
This verse says it all...Proverbs 31 (The Message)
"When she speaks she has something worthwhile to say, and she always says it kindly. She keeps an eye on everyone in her household, and keeps them busy and productive. Her children respect and bless her; her husband joins in with words of praise. Many women have done wonderful things, but you've outclassed them all! Charm can mislead and beauty soon fades. The woman to be admired and praised is the woman who lives in the fear of God." I love you Mimi!


  1. ahh how sweet allison. you definitely can tell the love between your grandparents what a wonderful thing to look up to! how blessed you are to get to celebrate her birthday!

  2. what a sweet post :)

    you are out of town next weekend and i am most likely working the friday after that... how about friday march 30 for a double date?!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. She looks great! Congrats to her :)

  5. This is so sweet! I love Prov. 31 and how you see her as a Prov. 31 woman! My grandmother is the same one! What great inspirations and examples, huh?

  6. awww so sweet! great pictures :)

  7. How sweet is that for you all to get together!! I bet she absolutely loved it. Loving your blog!

  8. These pictures are really, really sweet. It's so beautiful to see your grandpa and grandma holding hands.

  9. How awesome. Your grandparents are so precious, I love that they are always holding hands!!! :)

    Ps- your scarf is SO pretty. I love it!

  10. This is so sweet!!! I love the blessed banner! :)

  11. Cutest family pictures ever. Especially with your banner! They are so precious holding hands!! Ahhhh! Melt my heart!
