
Wednesday, March 14, 2012

My furbaby daddy

You know your husband's going to be a good Dad someday if he is a good furbaby daddy. Haha...this sounds ridiculous, but it is so true. Here are some examples of how I know my husband is going to be an amazing "real" dad someday:
He shares his food without complaint...
He loves to cuddle...
He clips toenails and brushes hair...
He even buys presents...
If he looks at our real children with even half as much love as he looks at our kitties I will be a very lucky lady!


  1. I'm pretty sure he will look at your children with more love than your kitties someday :)

  2. I totally agree! my husband is also a good fur baby dad and I know if will transfer over to being a great dad to our "human" children one day! :)

  3. so sweet! {even thought I'm kinda scared of cats!} haha

  4. a very good indicator indeed! your babies are gonna have him wrapped around their little fingers:-) xoxo

  5. It's so true! What a great guy you've got there.

  6. So cute! And I agree...those are all good indicators of a daddy to be.

  7. AWWW! I could seriously write the anti-thesis of this post. My hubby loves to be the "cool dad" that breaks the rules with the dogs. And whenever they puke or create a mess, he's like "Emmmmm....come clean up after YOUR dogs."

  8. Haha awww, this is so cute! My fave pic is the one clipping toenails haha.... your cat doesn't look happy ;)

  9. These are precious! Nothing like some kitty love.

  10. oh my goodness, I am pretty sure my husband would die if I posted this many pictures of him with kitties...although he probably loves them just as much!! adorable. seriously, could anything be more attractive in a man?? ;)

  11. This is precious! :)
    Glad he takes good care of YOU and the kitty!

  12. that is so sweet! I need to find a fur daddy for my babies :)

    seriously your kitties are beautiful!
