
Friday, April 6, 2012

Cincinnati Reds Opening Day Parade...and a winner!

I have lived in Cincinnati all my 26 years and had never attended any Opening day festivities...until yesterday!
Since I teach downtown we decided last year that we were going to try to get in this year's Opening day parade and we actually made it happen. They let us know our application was accepted just 8 short days before the parade so it has been a little chaotic around my school, but the end result was fantastic. Grades 5-8 walked in the parade while grades K-4 had early dismissal so they could watch the parade with their parents. This meant freedom for me to enjoy the parade as well!!! Drew took a half day off of work and our friends Bekah and Alex joined us as well. It was so fun seeing my kids so excited about the parade. I think it is hilarious and extremely cute how kids get so excited to see their teacher outside of school...I had literally seen them 30 minutes earlier, but seeing me outside of our classroom it was like I was a famous person or something. Here are some incredibly cute pictures of my adoring fans. Mr. Renner got in on the fun too.

We had the perfect place to stand to watch the parade and we picked up some Skyline cheese coneys to snack on while we waited for the big show to begin. What's a Cincinnati event without Skyline?
After the parade we found a spot to sit and have a drink that looked over Fountain Square. They played the game on the big screen and we enjoyed every second of this beautiful day.

We plan on making the Opening day parade a new tradition...maybe next year we will even go to the game! Does your city have an Opening day parade or do anything fun to kick start baseball season??? I for one am a big fan of baseball, specifically Reds baseball, but I'm not biased or anything.
I'm so sorry to all of you who were waiting anxiously by your computers to see if you won a banner from my new shop yesterday. Oh wait none of you did that? Good because I'm a day late and a dollar short posting this. Please forgive me if I caused you any stress. Haha. On to the winner...Congratulations Ashlee! Email me your banner choice and your address so I can send you your prize!


  1. Ahhh, I am just so jealous you were out there, while I was stuck in my office watching everyone head to the festivities! ;) You guys look so cute and like you had a blast though!

    You teach at CHCA?!?! Ahhhhhh, my hubby wants to work there! LOL

  2. Oh my gosh!
    That looks like A BLAST!

    Tampa needs to get it together and have something like this for the Rays!....heck maybe they do and I'm just totally out of the loop lol.

    That's so adorable that your students think you're a celebrity! I so remember thinking that when I saw my teachers outside of school when I was a kid!

    Have a blessed Easter, girl!

  3. How much fun does this look!!! Glad you guys got to go!! I wish we had a professional sports team in Austin! Enjoy your weekend!!
    Giveaway @ Because Shanna Said So

  4. This looks like so much fun! I live in Philadelphia and at my high school it was a tradition for all of the seniors to make opening day for the Phillies the official "Senior Cut Day" and skip school and go down to the ballpark. I didn't go my senior year because I was a big time rule follower haha, and it worked out because the cops cited them all anyway. But they said they had fun!

  5. Ahhhh, I want to go to a baseball parade! How fun!!!


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