
Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Wednesday favorites

Today I'm linking up with Michelle and Jamie to share my Wednesday favorites!
I'm loving...that tomorrow Drew and I both have a half day of work and we will be attending the Red's Opening Day Parade! I've never been to the Opening day parade before so I'm so excited!!
I'm loving...Easter everything. I love the decorations, the bunnies and chicks, the food, but most of all the reason for the holiday. Easter truly is my favorite because of the hope that it brings. Jesus died for us, but then He also rose again. So thankful for that. I love that I will be spending Easter with my wonderful family. Drew and I are in charge of dessert...any good Easter dessert ideas you want to share with me?
I'm loving...all the sweet comments you all left me about my new shop. I was nervous posting about it, but you're support is amazing. Thank you!
I'm loving...that my sister in law enjoys doing my make up and nails just for fun. She did my nails when we were all hanging out on Saturday night and I love them.
Speaking of are a few of my favorite pinterest pins for fun nail ideas:
                                                                                 Source: via Allison on Pinterest
                                                                        Source: via Allison on Pinterest
                                                                                          Source: via Allison on Pinterest
                                                                                           Source: via Allison on Pinterest

Happy Wednesday!
Oh and speaking of favorites...I'm guest posting for one of my favorite bloggers today, Emily over at Hope Squared. She is in Thailand...I am only a little bit lot jealous. Go check out her fabulous blog!


  1. Ahh! I love the last nail design!
    But I doubt I'd ever have the patience to do that haha :)

    I'm so excited for baseball season to start!

    Happy Wednesday, girl!

  2. ahhh! love your pretty nails!! have fun tomorrow at opening day!!

  3. jealous of your half work day tomorrow! my students get a half day on friday....but we have to stay and do inservice. boo :( i've always wanted to try the swirly nail polish intimidates me though!

  4. OooO! I got try the marble nail polish technique here!

  5. Ok, that polish in the water trick is the coolest thing EVER! Seriously, you have to try it!
    I can't wait to read about your experience at the parade :)

  6. Gotta love all those pretty nails! I have a hard time getting time to play with my nails. I've been making time to go to the salon lately, but it's ouching my budget. Maybe something different this weekend? I lovelovelove the white nails with colorful dots.

  7. Stumbled upon your blog...YAY! new follower. Love your nail pins...I just wish mine would come out like the ones I see on Pinterest...that's why I head to the nail salon...I'm the worst painter ever! Super cute blog!
    Giveaway @ Because Shanna Said So

  8. 1. love that white and spotted nail polish
    2. love your new blog look
    3. love half days. hope it was great

  9. oh and
    4. love the east banner

  10. Oh my goodness all of those nails are so fun... Umm, if I come over, could you please give me a mani?!? Thanks!

  11. I am in LOVE with those nails - seriously, more than adorable. And, GO REDS! Hope your weekend is going well!

  12. Cute nail ideas! I especially like the white with dots : )
