
Monday, April 9, 2012

An Egg-cellent weekend

Here's our Easter weekend in an egg shell...ok I'll stop with the egg references now.
Friday-I caught up on the new show SMASH and ate Chickfila in my PJs on the couch...Bliss.
Saturday-My sister and her husband were in town so we grilled out and played Uno attack and a new card game we like to call Pond scum. My sister and I also took on Martha Stewart's Meringues. They definitely did not turn out as cute as they appear on the cover of this month's Living magazine, but we tried and had fun so it was a success.
Sunday-We started off by taking a few family photos...
Then we met my family at church for a wonderful service where we watched my mom get baptized (yay Mom!) After church, we headed to my parents house to celebrate Easter with the rest of the family. My brother is the youngest "kid" on my Dad's side of the family and he's 18 so we weren't planning on having an Easter egg hunt this year...until my Aunt Pam showed up. She came with Easter eggs already filled with candy and prizes to be won and we had a blast running around the yard like we were 5.
We had amazing food and sat outside in the sun then napped while the Masters was on in the background. There's just something wonderful about napping while golf is on in the background.
This weekend was egg-actly what I needed. Okay really I'll stop now. I hope you had a wonderful Easter weekend!


  1. That looks like such a great Easter. I've never made meringues before, but those look adorable!


  2. i can't even wrap my head around those meringues so i'm not going to try. they look too amazing for words.

    also chick fil a????? crap i miss that place!

  3. OooO! Swirly meringues! Very festive and cool =)

  4. love your easter dress allison and chick fil-a on a friday sounds like a winning plan in my book!

  5. An Easter egg hunt with all adults sounds like a lot of fun to me!

  6. Aw sounds like a great weekend! And I love those family members who never let you grow up :) Ps - great job on the meringues! They look great :)

  7. What is this "neon gel food coloring" I see in the background?! How do you use that? Is it new?

  8. i totally fought the urge to push my kids out of the way during our easter egg hunt so i can relate to having fun like a 5-year-old. seriously family puts candy AND money in the eggs. there's not much that will stand between me and $1 that i can put towards my morning tom thumb coffee stop ;) looks like y'all had a blast!

  9. Such a nice weekend!!! And those meringues look aaaaaaaaaaaaamazing!!!

  10. What a sweet looking family! :) Your dress is so pretty!

  11. Looks like a great Easter. Those meringues are really cute. xo

  12. I think your meringues look like they turned out great!! :) I love that you guys did an Easter Egg hunt for the 'big kids' -- we broke into some backyard wiffle ball and the youngest of us was 21!

  13. Looks perfect!! Just found your blog. Love it!

  14. Y'all are such a stunning family! I love that y'all did an egg hunt. I think it's so much fun!!!

  15. funny how we never get tire of egg matter how old we get!


  16. very egg-cellent indeed....egg-sactly what easter weekend should be :D

  17. the post title and it looks like a great weekend!!

  18. umm your friday night is like a dream night to me.

  19. Is that the Martha Stewart magazine showing the meringues? They look soooo good!

    Also, you and your hubs are one good-looking couple!
