
Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Wednesday favorites

I'm linking up with Jamie today to share what I'm loving this Wednesday!
I'm loving...Nutella dipping sticks?! Yes it is true they do exist. I found them in the check out aisle at Walmart and was ecstatic.
I'm loving...that Sawyer is back to being himself after his adventure with the great outdoors.

I'm husband's famous (to my family) chocolate pies
I'm loving...that today is my grandparent's 59th wedding anniversary. They are such a sweet couple. The picture is all the grandkids celebrating their 50th a few years ago. And to top off all that love my other set of grandparents are celebrating their 66th anniversary tomorrow! I am so blessed to be surrounded by such beautiful examples of love and devotion!
I'm loving...these Southwestern Stuffed Peppers from Real Simple magazine! We used ground turkey instead of ground beef and plain Greek Yogurt instead of sour cream making it a delicious and healthy meal! YUM!
I'm loving...the free stuff I won from Whimsy Lane. So much cuteness in one package!
I'm sweet husband even though he is leaving me to go camping for 3 whole days. I have loved watching him plan his trip...he's adorable.
Happy Wednesday!!!


  1. 1.I love you're nails!
    2.Happy Anniversary to your grandparents
    3.Nutella to go?! That is too good to be true!

  2. Oh my gosh Nutella to go?? This is amazing!! And those stuffed peppers look pretty tasty too :)

  3. i found one of those nutella to go things at this tiny little european store in my neighborhood and i singlehandedly cleaned out their entire stock of it.

  4. Wow! The nutella & dipping sticks is quite the find. I'll be keeping my eyes peeled, for sure.

    And your stuffed peppers recipe looks delish! The bright colors always make my mouth water.

  5. Ohhhh no. Why did you have to tell me about the Nutella sticks?! I am SO addicted. I think I almost ate the whole jar in one day. It's all kinda a blur.

  6. Whaaat! Nutella dipping sticks?! Never heard of such a thing! Wal-Mart may be in my near future...

  7. Those peppers look amazing!

    And I am so glad Sawyer is doing better! What an awful experience.

    And Whimsy Lane, what? I need to check that out.

    p.s. Aren't you excited for camping season soon? I can't wait to try out those orange peel muffins. YUM!

  8. ooh those peppers!!! yum!! and look at that nutella to go! how perfect for you!! :D

  9. Please send me a pie, please and thank you. Also, super jealous about the nutella - I cannot find them anywhere!

  10. what?? portable nutella with dipping sticks, need to find that stat!! what a great afternoon snack it would be and glad to hear your cat is doing better

  11. i made those peppers a few weeks ago- we loved them! And I have got to get my hands on a nutella packet- those are too cute. and of course tasty! xo

  12. I'm still out of the Nutella loop, lol...never tried it. But those dipping sticks are definitely tempting!!

    I'm gonna give that version of stuffed peppers a try! We make this version a lot: and they are TASTY, but yours sound great too!!

  13. I'm totally blown away by Nutella to go!! I'm gonna have to get on that one!! follower here! Just found your blog and think it's adorable!! =)

  14. Nutella sticks...NO WAY! Wal-Mart is finally good for something! ;) Congrats on the Whimsy Lane loot! So cute! And Happy Anniversary to your grandparents. I wish I still had mine with me. Enjoy every minute you have with them!

  15. Nutella is my comfort food!
    Cute cute blog!
    New follower!

  16. Nutella = gold.
    That meringue looks incredible!
    Now my mouth is watering...

  17. Anything that has chocolate in it is my friend, that pie looks DE-lish:)I haven't had stuffed peppers in FOREVER, seeing those makes me want to whip some together!!! Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a nice comment! I'm your newest follower!!!

  18. Nutela is the best thing ever! And that's a cute nail color you're rocking!

  19. Oh my goodness that pie looks amazing! xo

  20. Whaa??? Nutella dipping sticks!!!! I have to try those! Those peppers look so good too!

  21. nutella dipping sticks! My husband would LOVE those!!

  22. I need to keep my eyes open for those nutella-to-go sticks!!! amazing!
    You grandparents are adorable. :)

  23. The kitty is soo cute! Awesome Wednesday!

  24. Even though Nutella stole the show this post, I'm so happy to see the stuff and that you like it! Thanks for being awesome and patient! :D
