
Thursday, April 19, 2012


Reason #527 why I love my husband:
While getting the mower out of the shed he discovers a little mouse. He comes inside and finds sunflower seeds to give to the mouse so they can be friends. Being the science loving man that he is he turns this into an experiment. "Babe, listen to this...I'm going to knock on the shed floor and then leave out the food. I'll do this for the next few days and then he will learn the signal and come out whenever I knock. Oh and his name is Gus-gus." Hahahah. I just can't get over how much I love this man.

And please tell me you know where he came up with the name Gus-gus...
                                                                                Source: via Allison on Pinterest

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  1. Haha! That's hilarious! I hope it works!

  2. I can't say Gus Gus without saying it in a nasally, spoken from the back of my throat tone. Haha. Love that your husband named him that. I have been meaning to comment on your blog for a while but I keep forgetting or getting distracted. Love it. And thanks for the sweet words you wrote on my blog a while back.

  3. hahaha that is so awesome! I LOVE Gus-Gus!!! Post a picture of the little guy!

  4. Haha what a cute story :) Keep us updated on Gus-Gus!

  5. i love gus-gus. my favorite of them all. cute and cuddly and i hope he listens to the knocking!

  6. I think I just fell in love with him. Gus Gus not Drew.

    p.s. you're husband is pretty great. And did Gus Gus eventually leave?

  7. That is so CUTE. Animal and Disney lover? I'm pretty sure that's the perfect combination.

  8. oh my gosh, hilarious. and so glad your husband grew up on disney classics. 10 points for him.

  9. Hahahaha, oh my gosh! This is so funnnnnnny!!!!!!

  10. I love Gus Gus!! Hope the experiment works. :)

  11. Of course I know where the name comes from--when I was 5, I named my dog Gus Gus : ) But I also had a cat named Kee-Kee....

    P.S.-I have a science-loving husband too : ) Hope the experiment works!

  12. Oh my goodness this is hilarious!!! Ah!
