
Monday, April 23, 2012

The time I got my Conceal Carry Permit...

This weekend I took a 10 hour class to get my Conceal Carry Permit. Yes this means I can legally conceal a weapon if I want to. Even typing that sounds crazy. I don't plan on actually carrying a gun, but my husband does and I wanted to know how to use a gun and not be afraid of it. I actually had a blast (literally) at this class. I took it with my sister in law Carly, her fiance, Drew's cousin and his wife and Drew's aunt so it was a party. Don't mess with our family!
Our instructors were 2 police officers and we learned all the laws, parts of a gun, how to load, stance, gun safety, etc. Then we actually shot at an outdoor range for a few hours. Honestly I felt very empowered after taking this class. Plus my husband is super proud of me and wants to tell all his friends that his wife can pack heat if she chooses to. Here's the note I came home to after school today with some new shooting glasses and hot pink ear protection. I just love him.


  1. sweet! i love this. and those pink safety glasses ... my husband would totally buy those for me.

  2. how cute! i have always wanted to learn how to shoot a gun!!

  3. Your ears must have totally been ringing because I took our conceal carry class out here in AZ this weekend too!!! That's so funny! I saw the title of this post come up in my reading list and I was like "No way!!" Glad you had fun at your class and congrats on the permit!! =)

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. He is precious with that note! I need to learn to shoot. I want to feel comfortable around them!!

  6. Haha, it does sound crazy! My husband really wants a gun, I think if he gets one, maybe I should take a class. I never thought about it before!

  7. My husband was reading this post over my shoulder*, and he goes "I wish I could have one." He dreams of having a concealed permit, but in CA they can be tricky to acquire.


  8. Awesome! 10-hour class? That's legit. Love the glasses :)

  9. are so cool. pink glasses and all.

  10. Love the pink eye glasses for protection, too cute :) congrats on getting your conceal permit. I've been thinking of doing so myself :D please check out my blog sometime :)))

  11. How cool! I love that you guys all did it together! :)

  12. DANG GIRL!
    You're no joke! haha :)
    This is awesome!

    I've shot guns with my boyfriend fun! And kinda intense!


  13. this is so sweeet!! love the card he left you, how thoughtful :)

  14. I have been thinking about doing this for the same reasons as you. Not that I want to carry a gun but just know how to use one if it ever came down to it. I bet I would feel more about it if I had all my family doing the class with me.

  15. congrats! that gun drawing is really good, btw!
