
Sunday, April 1, 2012

My poor kitty

While I was prancing around on the beaches of North Carolina my kitty decided to be naughty. Drew had a friend over Friday night and when he left my kitty decided to dash out the door unseen as well. My cats are both indoor cats and we only let them out when we are out too...basically they just eat grass and roll around on the front porch. Anyway my poor kitty was out all night and ended up getting attacked by another cat who was twice his size. Thankfully my husband found him early the next morning, but he was hurt. So while I was gone my sweet husband had to play doctor and ended up having to take Sawyer to the emergency vet where he had to be hooked up to IV's and kept overnight. Boo hoo. When my husband told me this over the phone I was a mess. I cried myself to sleep that night and was worried sick...please don't judge, my cats are my kids. Thankfully we were headed home the next day so I didn't have to worry too much.
Sawyer stealing the spotlight while I was trying to unpack from my trip
Drew ended up having to take the next day off work to take Sawyer to our vet where they inserted a drainage tube to drain his battle wound which was infected. An insane amount of money later...Sawyer is back to acting himself and his cone of shame will come off in a few days! My poor little least he looks incredibly cute in his cone.
Has anything traumatic every happened to your pet?? Did you just feel awful?

To leave you on a happier note in case this post depressed still have time to enter my giveaway for a Simply Burlap banner!


  1. the most traumatic thing that has happened to sharkie was getting skunked in the backyard at 2am right in his face. it was more so more traumatic for me to have to deal with the smell than it was for him.

    hope the little fuzzy one of yours in the cone of shame feels better soon!
    xx jes

  2. OH MY GOSH!
    This post made my heart so sad!
    I'm so glad that your hubby found Sawyer and got him all taken care of though :)

    Hope you had a lovely weekend, Allison!

  3. My westie was attacked right in front of me while I was walking her on a leash. The other dog picked her up by the neck and shook her around. It.was.horrible.

  4. Ohhhh no. Poor baby!! I'm glad Sawyer is on the mend! My pit bull has had to have several weird/random surgeries and trips to the ER vet!!

  5. Oh no!!! This is so sad! Hope he's better in no time!

  6. Poor guy!

    One of our dogs got hit by a car. She is 100% okay now...but at the time it was very, very scary. She pulled the leash out of my hand, ran straight into the road, and got hit right before my eyes :*(

    We spent tooooooons of money we didn't have to save her.

    She was worth it though. Most expensive (and cutest) dog on the block. Haha.

  7. Ooh, I don't know whether to feel bad for the little guy or happy that he made it. Let's pick happy.

    We lost one of our kitties this year to an unknown cause, and it was terrible. Thank Goodness you had an emergency vet to visit. There is only one vet where we live, and she just didn't know what to do for our kitty.

    p.s. what is it with cat's & suitcases?!

  8. oh my gosh!!! poor little thing!! I know exactly how you feel because our dog got attacked by another dog at the park a few months ago. We had to rush her to the animal hospital for stitches and it was super traumatic (probably more for us than her!)

  9. Poor little thing! I'm glad he is already on the mend. I hate when my pets are hurting!

  10. oh my gosh your poor kitty!! so glad he was found but sad he was hurt and he had to go through all that he did at the vet. i hope his recovery is fast and smooth and has no complications. poor little guy

  11. Aww I'm so sorry! I hope your kitty feels better. A couple of years ago my cat was hit by a car right outside our home. Our whole family was devastated. She was a wild kitty and always loved to play outside, but with a simple call, she'd return! We knew something bad happened when she didn't come back for the whole day :(

  12. That's so sad! I can imagine why you were upset, especially since you were out of town! I'm glad you found him and that he's okay!

  13. Oh no! Poor little guy :( I obviously have a super soft spot for big orange kitties so this was so sad to see!! Hope he's feeling better today lovely!! xo

  14. oh your poor baby! my kitties are my kids too so I totally get it!!! I hope he feels better very soon.
