
Tuesday, April 3, 2012


The other night we met up with our friends Brian and Courtney for a dinner date. We tried out a new (to me) restaurant called Banana Leaf and it was wonderful! Courtney and I decided to go for a Pineapple chicken fried rice and it actually came served in half a pineapple. I'm a sucker for presentation so I was excited and I think it made my food taste twice as good!
At dinner I learned something new about my husband. Our waitress came over after we had finished our Edamame and asked my husband if he was an engineer. He said "um no...why?" And she said "Oh I just saw how you had organized your Edamame and thought you were." We all laughed when we compared my plate to his. Can you tell which one is my husbands above? He honestly had no idea he was lining up his food. Haha. I just love him and all his quirks.
After dinner we went back to Courtney and Brian's cute little house for some wine and oreo stuffed cookies. Classy right? If you haven't seen these on Pinterest they really are amazingly good.
                                                                                Source: via Allison on Pinterest

I have blogging to thank for my new friend Courtney...see our first double date here.

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  1. that has got to be the cutest quirk ever! awwww! you two are such a good looking couple! glad you had a nice time!

  2. pineapple fried rice is the best!
    and those cookies need to be in my oven right now.
    i'm going to see to it.
    xx jes

  3. i am totally a sucker for food presentation. everything tastes better when it looks pretty! (which is NOT a good thing for my cooking since most of what i turn out of the kitchen looks like my 2 year old made it!). and those cookies?? wow...whoever thought to shove an oreo inside of a chocolate chip cookie is pure genius! my sweet tooth is drooling right now ;)

  4. Those cookies look amazing! And dangerous.

  5. Oooh, goodness those cookies made my mouth water. I'd eat cookies every day if I wasn't trying to lose weight and get back in shape! LOL

    Glad you guys had fun- I love good presentation too, that pineapple meal looks awesome!

  6. Those oreo stuffed cookies look amazing. And, I totally mess with my food like your husband does. I'm definitely not an engineer :)

  7. what a fun night!! and the edamame comparison is just hilarious!! cant wait for our next date :)

  8. thai food is probably my favorite. your top is so cute!
