
Friday, April 27, 2012

A wine glass and a paint brush...

Last night I took my friend Steph to one of my favorite places in Cincinnati, Cheers to Art. This was my 4th visit and it did not disappoint. Cheers to Art combines two great "tasting" and painting. You go and truly feel like an artist because the owner, Jill, teaches you how to paint a selected painting with step by step instructions. I knew when I saw the nest painting on the calendar a month ago that I just had to do sign up to paint it. I already have it hanging in my living room! Here are a few pictures from our date night.
A night of sipping wine and attempting to be an artist with your best friend makes for a wonderful evening. We had a great time and plan to make this a tradition every few months. On top of wine and painting they also have an adorable gift shop where I bought myself a new scarf. So really I left with 2 new things: a painting and a scarf. Win and win.
Here are the other paintings I've done at Cheers to Art...
First visit...Valentine's day date night
Second visit...Armleder girl's night out
Third visit...Armleder girls night out revisited

If you live in the Cincinnati area you should definitely go check them out!
Happy weekend!!!


  1. I want to do this so badly! I wonder if there is something like this in Toronto. I am going to investigate. If not - I am on my way to Cincinnati to paint and drink wine with you.

  2. p.s. can you please tell me where you got that adorable headband?

  3. That sounds like such a fun place!

  4. You have an ADORABLE blog! I can't believe I just now stumbled onto it! I can't wait to check out past posts and follow along on here!

    PS: I adore your header!

    Secondhand Magpie

  5. i may move to cinci just for this. seriously.

  6. Your nest painting is so fitting! How cool is that?! This place sounds fantastic!

  7. How fun! I wonder if there's anything like that in the Little Rock area...I so want in on this! Your painting turned out great!

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Thanks for entering the giveaway on littlelovebirds blog:) I wish you the best of luck!

    Fun entry! What a neat place for a girls night out:) Plus, I love the painting and the scarf!


  10. Your painting turned out great!
    Some SoCal bloggers did this recently, so maybe I'll have to try it once I'm stateside again.

  11. You are so cute!! I haven't been to one of these yet, but I kinda just feel like I'd be wasting my money because I know that my painting would NOT be worthy of being hung up in the house. Haha!!

  12. How fun! Your art turned out so good, and it's perfect for you!!! :) That's out in Madeira right?! I've driven past there before and always said I should do it, now I'm definitely convinced! :)

  13. Oh how pretty! I've always wanted to attend one of these painting classes! :)

  14. Oh how pretty! I've always wanted to attend one of these painting classes! :)

  15. What a fun idea! I've never heard of a place like that near us.

    Love the scarf too...thats a lovely photo of you :)

  16. oh my gosh! I just love those paintings...I wasn't sure what it would turn into at first, but the finished product is so cute!

  17. Such cute pictures! I have always wanted to try one! I love your scarf too!

  18. How great is your scarf?!? And your nest painting - how perfect!!!
