
Wednesday, May 23, 2012

What I'm Loving Wednesday

I'm loving that I spotted my first lighting bug last night. I was so tempted to go grab a Mason jar and run around pretending it was summer. Only 5 1/2 more days!!!!
                                                                          Source: via C on Pinterest

I'm loving
this season of the Bachelorette. ABC is redeeming themselves from last season thank goodness!

I'm loving the Cincinnati Reds. We went to the game last night with our friends Andrea and Nate and had a fabulous time. We even got a picture with Mr. Redlegs. I love that he's giving the boys the bunny ears. Haha.
I'm loving this Strawberry Shortcake Cake from my new Pioneer Woman cookbook that my friend Betsy gave me. She surprised me and already had it signed for me! I am now two for two. And this cake is freaking is even worth the 2 hours it took to make. Wow.
I'm loving my sweet husband and two baby kitties.
Link up with Jamie and share what you are loving today!


  1. oh goodness I wish I could get a couple of kitties. and I wish I could make that cake.

  2. That cake looks delicious! I don't think I would have the patience to make it though...two hours is a long time!

  3. that cake looks incredible! i want a piece right now :)

  4. Um, that cake looks amazing! You're making me hungry now! xo

  5. 5 and half days. That just sounds glorious! You lucky lady!!

  6. so jealous that you a.) have ree's second cook book and b.) that she signed it! i do love me some PW :)

  7. That strawberry shortcake looks amazing! My problem with baking is that I eat waaaaay too much of it once I make it.

  8. Yea for the new PW cookbook! Mine is coming in the mail Friday and I can hardly wait! =D

  9. So many good things in this post! I've never seen a lightning bug before! And that cake?! Yum!

  10. Okay the cake is making me swoon.

  11. I am so glad you admitted it, because I am LOVING this season of the Bachelorette as well! I actually really like Emily (for once) and feel like there is a lot of potential! (but don't tell anyone I said so...)

  12. I'm pretty sure the Pioneer Woman cookbook needs to be in my life. That cake looks so amazing!

  13. Dontcha just love Emily? Man, I wish I looked like her.

    And hooray for PW. She's the shizz. I'm from OK, so she's quite the rage over here.

  14. Wow! A real PW signed cookbook? What an awesome friend. And that cake looks to die for! Have a great weekend, Allison :)

  15. That strawberry cake looks amazing!! YUM! You are such the little chef!

  16. That cake looks amazing! I bought that book a few weeks ago when I was at Barnes and Noble--I thought about you and how many awesome recipes you've blogged about, so I had to get a copy for myself : )
