
Friday, May 18, 2012


The last few weeks have been crazy and very emotional. My dad had to have emergency knee surgery causing him to be out of work for 4-5 weeks in his busiest season as a videographer, my grandpa has been in the hospital and was just told last week that he was no longer improving so he would have to leave the rehabilitation center within the week, Drew's dad found out some bad news and our family dog, Max, ran away in a thunder storm.

I have been having to rely daily on God's provision for our families, which really I should be doing all the time anyway. Why is it always during the hard times that it is so easy to draw close to God? Because who else can we turn to? God is always there whether the prayers we say get "answered" the way we want them to or not. There is so much we do not see and thankfully God always knows best.

                                                                            Source: via Allison on Pinterest

Last week I felt an outpouring of blessings and I am so thankful to report that my dad's knee surgery went well and my grandpa received money from an anonymous donor giving him an extra month in rehab! I was beyond happy and thankful, but I couldn't stop thinking about our little dog Max and wondering what happened to him. Max belonged to one of my mom's dear friends Ann Marie who died of cancer 7 years ago. My family gladly accepted Max with open arms and he is a little spot of sunshine especially to my mom who carts him around everywhere she goes. Yesterday I got a call from my mom and Max has been found exactly 2 weeks later! 

Today I was reading in my devotional and the verse was so perfect for what has been happening in my life. "Everyone who asks, receives. Everyone who seeks, finds. And to everyone who knocks, the door will be opened." Matthew 7:8  Ask God to take care of your needs and He will. It may not always look the way you expect it to, but trusting in Him never disappoints. Feeling blessed today!


  1. I've been meaning to e-mail you - but it's been a whirlwind around here. I am happy to hear that Max was found - where on earth was he?

    I hope all the other things start to fall into place as well.

    Thinking about you lady.


  2. So many blessings! Was Max with a family somewhere for the last two weeks or on his own?

  3. Andddd I just started crying. Seriously, God is amazing. And you are so right...we have to trust and rely on Him, even if the prayers don't get answered "our" way. He still answers all prayers in HIS way. So glad that everything turned out okay and Max came home!!

  4. So glad he was found! I hope everything else falls into place soon for you!

  5. aww what a rough so happy it turned around!! love you!

  6. so glad you are finding the blessings amidst difficult times. and so happy little Max was found! that is so scary!

  7. How wonderful that you got him back! I love your C.S Lewis quote!

  8. Yay! Glad you found him. I love that verse. Always a good thing to remember.

  9. Oh my goodness...when it rains it really pours, huh? So glad he's back and everything else is looking up :)

  10. Oh my gosh! So glad they found Max!!! Such a happy ending!!
